- 3
Laravel 6.2 Call to undefined function Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\ends_with() on Sentry::check()
#239 opened by warmwhisky - 1
Duplicate throttle queries
#237 opened by warmwhisky - 4
View [home] not found.
#228 opened by nardnahcayaj - 14
local.ERROR: exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class cache does not exist' in /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container
#231 opened by narbehmovsesi - 1
Can this work together with laravel passport ?
#218 opened by kamaroly - 4
REST service
#227 opened by demobiel - 2
Activation by admin
#236 opened by yilmazerhakan - 1
#214 opened by M0H3N - 2
- 1
How to do user impersonation
#221 opened by kamaroly - 5
rydurham/Sentinel + RBAC
#235 opened by AlexMcowkin - 2
See the password in a View
#230 opened by luarcito - 2
- 9
How I can extent your RegistrationController?
#233 opened by AlexMcowkin - 5
How can we get User data?
#234 opened by AlexMcowkin - 2
Class cache does not exist
#232 opened by fridzema - 5
Compatibility for Laravel 5.4
#222 opened by peterjaap - 4
Sentinel for laravel 5.3
#212 opened by Harrrrry - 0
Override Default Pagination
#226 opened by cwcrawley - 1
Site link in the description is not working
#223 opened by lankasenanayaka - 4
- 8
Error Bag in FormRequest / 2 Forms in one view
#217 opened by CecileV - 1
restfulizer.js onclick() else clause
#215 opened by pierlon - 4
Laravel sentinel mail send no response
#203 opened by yokes-g-wiredelta - 2
Session not destroy
#206 opened by yokimohan123 - 4
Override Validation on user create
#210 opened by yokimohan123 - 9
- 5
Additional fields
#205 opened by yokes-g-wiredelta - 2
Adding recpatcha to the login/registration pages
#204 opened by overint - 2
how to disable throttling checking point ?
#202 opened by budisuryana - 1
Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'users'
#201 opened by manshu - 5
laravel 5.2 Sentry::check() not working
#197 opened by cryptoBOOOOM - 17
array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array
#190 opened by tqisjim - 1
- 2
The "force" option does not exist.
#199 opened by twodeafguysstudio - 5
- 2
Laravel 5.2 Support
#194 opened by tusharvikky - 11
how to extend session timeout ?
#183 opened by johnarc5 - 1
Token based Authentication with Sentinel
#186 opened by mmalekzadeh - 2
Naming conflict
#193 opened by hackel - 2
$this->be($user); in testing
#191 opened by kamaroly - 3
Pagination missing on users/index.blade.php and groups/index.blade.php
#189 opened by thankyoucaptainobvious - 2
Reset blade template password bug and save error
#187 opened by mindtheroo - 1
Possible to authenticate without password?
#184 opened by asmafarhat2006 - 13
Soft Deleting
#182 opened by adw-cr - 1
- 2
Routes are listed but not working
#174 opened by ricardobarantini - 5
Getting the sentry user when using auth.basic
#171 opened by kobelobster - 0
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