
feather version manager based on nvm

Primary LanguageShell


fvm auto downloads tagged packages from theVolary's feather repo and sets up environment variables so you can easily switch between released(tagged) versions of feather runtimes.


  • clone this repo or just copy fvm.sh into a folder called 'fvm' (name isn't really important but for sake of these directions we're assuming you went with 'fvm').
  • source the fvm.sh file (. fvm.sh)
  • install/use: (NOTE: the vX.X.X in the examples below should be replaced with whichever published tag you want to install. The tags can be found at the feather github repo)
    • fvm install v0.1.3 (note: install automatically calls use when it's finished)
    • fvm use v0.1.2 (uses a previously installed version)
    • fvm use ./ (this version of the use command allows you to use a custom or bleeding edge version that's on your local machine. You must, of course, use this only from within the top-level feather folder that you wish to make the current working version)


Just like with nvm, we like to edit our .bashrc file so that fvm.sh is sourced at startup:

. $FVM_HOME/fvm.sh
fvm use v0.1.3

(and of course you would update the final line to use a new version as you upgrade the "default" version on your machine)