TinyGo Music Jam

Make music using your own Arduino-based customized MIDI controller using audio software running on your notebook computer.

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│ │     MIDI Controller    │ │      │ │     MIDI Router      │                       │
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│                            │      │ │    AU or VST Host    │   Software Synth    │ │
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  Arduino                             Computer

By running a AU or VST host program such as Hosting AU along with a software synthesizer such as Surge, the MIDI router will forward MIDI commands from a Arduino Uno connected via serial interface to the virtual instrument.


You will need to install both Go and TinyGo to compile the code.



You will also need to install audio programs on your local computer in order to produce beautiful music.


Hosting AU (http://ju-x.com/hostingau.html)

Surge (https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/)


VSTHost is an open source VST host program for Windows. You can obtain it from here: https://www.hermannseib.com/english/vsthost.htm

Surge (https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/)


Please add instructions if you try this.


The MIDI Controller is intended to run directly on Arduino to send MIDI commands via serial interface.

There are several different kinds of controllers in the examples folder.

To build/flash the onenote example on Arduino:

    cd controller
    tinygo flash -target arduino ./examples/onenote/


The MIDI Router is intended to run on your notebook computer to connect via serial to controller, and then forward the MIDI commands to a specific MIDI device.

You must be running a program that can host AU or VST plugins, and also a soft synth.

First, flash your controller as described above.

Then run run your AU or VST hosting software on your computer.

If you are using Hosting AU, now activate the Surge software synth on "Track A".

Now you can run the router as follows:

    cd router
    go run . -port /dev/cu.XXX -device=0

Make sure to substitute the correct port in the command above based on how it appears to your own computer.

Now you should be able to trigger sounds on your computer by using your Arduino MIDI controller.

Have fun!