
An exploration of transfer reinforcement learning

Primary LanguagePython

Transfer Reinforcement Learning

This project explores transfer learning for reinforcement learning models. Products using reinforcement learning are likely to go through many design iterations during their life cycle. Eventually these changes will invalidate previously trained policies. Through transfer learning the previously trained policy may be able to reduce the costs of retraining the model for the new product design iterations.

This project uses the 2D walker environment available in the OpenAI gym, modified to accept the walker's leg length as an input parameter. Transfer learning demonstrated by training a policy for one walker, and then using that as the initial policy for a second walker of a different leg length.


  • Python (3.6)
  • Pytorch (1.14)
  • gym (0.15.4)
  • numpy (1.18.1)
  • box2d-py (2.3.8)

A conda environment can be created using the provided .yml file.

conda env update --file environment.yml --name transfer_rl

Alternatively, the provided Dockerfile can be used to create an image of this project.

Getting started

Training from scratch

New studies can be run from the command line. At minimum a study name and walker leg length should be provided as command line arguments.

python run.py --save_name=sample_34_leg_length --leg_length=34

While the study is running the best performing policies, based on a running average reward, will be saved to the trained_models/ directory. Once the study is complete a pickle file containing the results from each completed episode will be saved to the results/ folder.

Transfer learning

Transfer learning can be applied by also specifying an existing trained policy. This policy must exist as a .pt file in the trained_models folder, and the architectures of the existing policy and new policy must match (i.e., the hidden_nodes parameter). A sample policy, trained on a walker with 34 length legs, is provided in the trained_models/ folder.

python run.py --save_name=sample_transfer_learning --leg_length=30 --initial_model=leg_34_trained

By default, if an initial_model is specified the new policy weights will be initialized to those of the initial_model and training will resume as normal. In my experimentation this was generally the simplest and most robust method of transfer learning, but other approaches are described in the following parameters section.

Visualizing policies

Walkers can be visualized by setting the render parameter. Note that when the walker is visualized no training will occur.

python run.py --save_name=sample_34_leg_length --leg_length=34 --render=True


Study parameters

  • --save_name The name under which the trained model and results files will be saved.
  • --total_frames The total number of frames, or time steps, that the study will be run for. (default=10e6)
  • --render Set to true to visualize the walker. (default=False)

Environment parameters

  • --env Name of the environment in which to train the agent. Currently only Bipedal_Custom_Leg_Length-v0 is implemented.
  • --leg_length Length of the walkers legs. Both legs will be the same length. (default=34)
  • --terrain_length_scale Setting this to values greater or less than 1 will respectively increase or decrease the size of the world the walker can traverse. (default=2)
  • --fall_penalty The reward penalty that is applied should the walker fall over.
  • --max_time_steps The maximum number of time steps that each episode is allowed to run.

Network and model Parameters

  • --hidden_layers This is a list of the number of nodes to include in each layer of the fully connected network. This parameters affects both the actor and critic networks. Changing the length of the list affects the number of hidden layers. (default = [32,32,32,32])
  • --algorithm The reinforcement learning algorithm used to train the model, currently only 'ppo' is supported.
  • --optimizer Optimization algorithm for updating the model parameters. (default='adam')
  • --learning_rate Learning rate for opitmization algorithm. (default=3e-4)
  • --gamma Reward discount rate. (default=0.98)
  • --batch_size Number of frames to collect in memory buffer before training model. (default=10000)
  • --train_steps Number of training steps to perform for each batch (default=80)
  • --action_std The standard deviation of noise applied to the action space when sampling the model. (default = 0.5)
  • --action_std_start, --action_std_final, and --action_std_end These three values can be set to use a scheduled action space noise. When the study because the standard deviation of the noise will be set equal to action_std_start. This value will then increase or decrease at a linear rate until it reaches action_std_final. action_std_end specifies the proportion of total_frames over which this transition will occur. If these values are not set then the value specified by action_std will be used for the entire study.
  • --device Device on which to train, the code only currently works for training on a cpu.

Transfer Learning Parameters

  • --initial_model If an initial model is specified then it's parameters will be copied into the new model. (default='none')
  • --transfer_learning Several approaches to transfer learning are available. 'none' and 'initialize' are equivalent, after the parameters are copied from the initial model training will proceed as usual. 'freeze_all_but_final' will freeze the the parameters in all layers of the actor and critic models except for the final layer. 'freeze_then_thaw' also freezes all layers except the final layer, but additional layers are then thawed and subject to training as the study progresses. (default='none')
  • --tl_end The proportion of total_frames over which the model layers thaw and are subject to training. This value is only relevant if 'freeze_then_thaw' transfer learning is applied. (default=0.25)
  • --reset_final_layer If set to true this will reinitialize the parameters of the final model layer to random values. (default=false)
  • --add_noise_layers This will add noise to the parameters in the final n layers of the model, where n is the value specified by this parameter. (default=0)
  • --add_noise_alpha The amount of noise, relative to the standard deviation of the parameters in each layer, that will be applied. Only relevant if add_noise_layers is set to a value greater than 0. (default=1)