Sa11y is an accessibility quality assurance tool that visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues. Geared towards content authors, Sa11y straightforwardly identifies errors or warnings at the source with a simple tooltip on how to fix them.
- aberkowUniversity of Connecticut
- allynalfordSouth Florida
- AnandChowdhary@firstquadrant-ai
- aseroffMinneapolis
- bobaaaaaBerlin
- denjiKyiv, UA
- EnzoEmbArgentina
- fleeting@Monkee-Boy
- ghsOslo, Norway
- hongthong2@https-github-com-hongzzz
- ik5:::1
- ionutapostol
- jdayllonSandetel. Junta de AndalucĂa
- jgarber623Washington, DC
- JohnPhamous@vercel
- lipanskiBerlin
- lisa-brandtPortland Community College
- MaluNoPelekeGermany
- martymcguire@adafruit
- Mottie@adhocteam
- noma4iCTO @DoneSafe
- ohhelloana@hactar-is
- pdewouters@DekodeInteraktiv
- rationalthug
- romaricpascal@alphagov
- rpearce@articulate
- ryan-p-randallBoise, ID
- sagirk@aws
- selfagency@cnyric
- smarchalBrock University
- sncGermany
- spencerkordeckiNew Jersey
- stefanovualto@Vualto
- stockime@modevo
- studiomohawkTokyo
- wjureczkaStealth Mode