Here is a hotel information API where you can search for a Hotel's name or location etcand it will return some basic information about them.
Tech used: HTML, JavaScript, Express.js,, data-search
We developed a server in Express (Node.js) to listen for the API call to the server for any hotel (via domain/api/{hotel search terms}) and that name is searched on a data-search object that is stored in the sever.js file that runs Express. This dat-search object is built from a small .csv dataset of hotels stored on the server. Once the Hotel name is found, that Hotel's object is returned in JSON. Unfound hotels return a blank sheet. The code is deployed to
We kept the code light to keep it rapid, and it returns JSON. We developed a light index.html file just to provide simple instructions for using the API.
Heroku can access youro entire github repo if you go the default route of creating the app in the Heroku platform (as opposed to the CLI) where you effectively facilitate a second copy of your server+ files on Heroku's own git repo. That's preferable for security.