
A Pygments lexer for the Cypher query language (used in neo4j)

Primary LanguagePython

#pygments lexer for the cypher query language

This module is a standalone plugin for the pygments code coloring tool that provides a basic lexer for the Cypher query language .

It's currently mostly functional; in that it gets the keywords correctly and colors most forms as it's supposed to.

Please see the issue list for outstanding issues.

This is setup to use setup.py and will get uploaded to pypi once I've got the ascii art and the relationship labels getting colored properly.

  ____            _               _
 / ___|   _ _ __ | |__   ___ _ __| |    _____  _____ _ __
| |  | | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |   / _ \ \/ / _ \ '__|
| |__| |_| | |_) | | | |  __/ |  | |__|  __/>  <  __/ |
 \____\__, | .__/|_| |_|\___|_|  |_____\___/_/\_\___|_|