
Deploying Django to AWS ECS with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

Deploying Django to AWS ECS with Terraform

Sets up the following AWS infrastructure:

  • Networking:
    • VPC
    • Public and private subnets
    • Routing tables
    • Internet Gateway
    • Key Pairs
  • Security Groups
  • Load Balancers, Listeners, and Target Groups
  • IAM Roles and Policies
  • ECS:
    • Task Definition (with multiple containers)
    • Cluster
    • Service
  • Launch Config and Auto Scaling Group
  • RDS
  • Health Checks and Logs

Want to learn how to build this?

Check out the post.

Want to use this project?

  1. Install Terraform

  2. Sign up for an AWS account

  3. Fork/Clone

  4. Build the Django and Nginx Docker images and push them up to ECR:

    $ cd app
    $ docker build -t <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/django-app:latest .
    $ docker push -t <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/django-app:latest
    $ cd ..
    $ cd nginx
    $ docker build -t <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/django-app:latest .
    $ docker push -t <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/django-app:latest
    $ cd ..
  5. Update the variables in terraform/variables.tf.

  6. Set the following environment variables, init Terraform, create the infrastructure:

    $ cd terraform
    $ terraform init
    $ terraform apply
    $ cd ..
  7. You can also run the following script to bump the Task Definition and update the Service:

    $ cd deploy
    $ python update-ecs.py --cluster=production-cluster --service=production-service