
Fork of https://gitlab.com/enlighten-challenge/paging-mission-control

Primary LanguageJava

Paging Mission Control

You are tasked with assisting satellite ground operations for an earth science mission that monitors magnetic field variations at the Earth's poles. A pair of satellites fly in tandem orbit such that at least one will have line of sight with a pole to take accurate readings. The satellite’s science instruments are sensitive to changes in temperature and must be monitored closely. Onboard thermostats take several temperature readings every minute to ensure that the precision magnetometers do not overheat. Battery systems voltage levels are also monitored to ensure that power is available to cooling coils. Design a monitoring and alert application that processes status telemetry from the satellites and generates alert messages in cases of certain limit violation scenarios.


Ingest status telemetry data and create alert messages for the following violation conditions:

  • If for the same satellite there are three battery voltage readings that are under the red low limit within a five minute interval.
  • If for the same satellite there are three thermostat readings that exceed the red high limit within a five minute interval.

Input Format

The program is to accept a file as input. The file is an ASCII text file containing pipe delimited records.

The ingest of status telemetry data has the format:


You may assume that the input files are correctly formatted. Error handling for invalid input files may be ommitted.

Output Format

The output will specify alert messages. The alert messages should be valid JSON with the following properties:

    "satelliteId": 1234,
    "severity": "severity",
    "component": "component",
    "timestamp": "timestamp"

The program will output to screen or console (and not to a file).

Sample Data

The following may be used as sample input and output datasets.


20180101 23:01:05.001|1001|101|98|25|20|99.9|TSTAT
20180101 23:01:09.521|1000|17|15|9|8|7.8|BATT
20180101 23:01:26.011|1001|101|98|25|20|99.8|TSTAT
20180101 23:01:38.001|1000|101|98|25|20|102.9|TSTAT
20180101 23:01:49.021|1000|101|98|25|20|87.9|TSTAT
20180101 23:02:09.014|1001|101|98|25|20|89.3|TSTAT
20180101 23:02:10.021|1001|101|98|25|20|89.4|TSTAT
20180101 23:02:11.302|1000|17|15|9|8|7.7|BATT
20180101 23:03:03.008|1000|101|98|25|20|102.7|TSTAT
20180101 23:03:05.009|1000|101|98|25|20|101.2|TSTAT
20180101 23:04:06.017|1001|101|98|25|20|89.9|TSTAT
20180101 23:04:11.531|1000|17|15|9|8|7.9|BATT
20180101 23:05:05.021|1001|101|98|25|20|89.9|TSTAT
20180101 23:05:07.421|1001|17|15|9|8|7.9|BATT


        "satelliteId": 1000,
        "severity": "RED HIGH",
        "component": "TSTAT",
        "timestamp": "2018-01-01T23:01:38.001Z"
        "satelliteId": 1000,
        "severity": "RED LOW",
        "component": "BATT",
        "timestamp": "2018-01-01T23:01:09.521Z"