
The lightest Javascript calendar out there, without any dependency.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The lightest Javascript calendar out there, without any dependency (no jQuery). This is a work in progress, but it is ready to be used in production.

The development files are using es2016, so I used babel with the es2015 preset and babily to minify the whole thing. Distribution files can be found under ./dist/. There are both normal and minified files.

Sailor's honour

If other kind developers want to lend a hand, I will obviously stop pushing directly to master and switch to a dev branch ;)

EDIT : This now has a dev branch. Thanks to @jamacon36, I will probably be maintaining this library again.


Using git

git clone https://github.com/rykdesjardins/js-calendar

Using NPM

npm install --save vanilla-js-calendar

Using bower

bower install --save vanilla-js-calendar

Basic usage

var elem = document.getElementById("myCalendar");
var calendar = new JSCalendar(elem, { /* options */ }).init().render();

Imported Usage

import * as LibName from "vanilla-js-calendar"

var elem = document.getElementById("myCalendar");
var JSCalendar = LibName.JSCalendar;
var JSCalendarEvent = LibName.JSCalendarEvent;
var calendar = new JSCalendar(elem, { /* options */ }).init().render();

Latest tag


Simple design and fast rendering



Option name Usage Default
views Array of available views ["day", "week", "month"]
viewsVocab Object of words used to represent the views { view : "display name" } {day : "Day", week : "Week", month : "Month" }
buttons Available buttons in the top control bar ["previous", "today", "next"]
buttonsActions JSCalendar function, or user-defined function object for top buttons { action : "functionName" || function } { previous : "goBack", today : "goNow", next : "goNext" }
buttonsVocab Object of words used to represent the buttons { action : "display name" } {previous : "<", today : "Today", next : ">"}
monthsVocab Array of display names for every months ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
daysVocab Array of display names for every week day ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
emptyDayVocab Display phrase when no event is found for a partical day "Nothing here."
noDate Word used when an event has no time at a certain date "Somewhen"
nonameEventVocab Words used when an event does not have a name "Event without a name"
globalSelector Query Selector used to search for JSCalendars in the DOM ".js-calendar"
eventBackground Default event background color "rgb(126, 156, 193)"
titleCropSize Number of letter max for events in the month view 20
datasource URL used to request matrix data ""
datasourceHeaders Headers to be sent to the data source on every request {}
ampm Flag, setting it to true will use 12h system, false will use 24h true
displaySeconds Flag, setting it to true will display the seconds for the events in the calendar false
dayviewGapMinutes Number of minutes between each block in day view 30
dayviewNoTimeGapSize Number of block used in day view for events without a time 2
alwaysFetch Wether to always fetch from server or not false
fetchReplaces Wether to replace the entire matrix after fetching, false for append false
dayviewGapHeight Height of a block in day view, in pixels 38
height Maximum height for the calendar, if it goes beyond, scroll bars are added 700
width Maximum width for the calendar, if it goes beyond, the rest will be hidden. Can also be "full" for responsive full width. 1024


Hooks can be used to customize certain events and alter the way data is fetched, processed and rendered.

// Hooks on a specific instance
var calendarInstance = new JSCalendar(elem);
calendarInstance.on('eventName', (calendar, extra) => {
    // calendar is the current calendar instance
    // extra contains various data depending on the event

// Hooks on all instances
JSCalendar.on('eventName', (calendar, extra) => {
    // Arguments are the same as above
Hook name Context
new Fired when a JSCalendar object is built using the default constructor.
init Fired when the initialization logic is being processed for a newly built object. Fired before the DOM structure is created.
willPush Fired before adding an item to the calendar dynamically.
pushed Fired after adding an item to the calendar dynamically.
didNotPush Fired after failing to add an item to the calendar dynamically.
willRender Fired before rendering the calendar, also before fetching data from the data source if specified.
rendered Fired after the render logic was processed.
dragging Fired when an event is grabbed and ready to be moved around.
dropped Fired when an event is dropped, the event cellMightMove will be triggered right after this one.
cellMightMove Fired when a cell movement is validated.
cellMoved Fired after an event was moved from a cell to another.
cellDidNotMoved Fired when a cell could have moved, but the validation failed or the event was dropped onto its original cell.
matrixWillSet Fired when a matrix is sent to replace the current one in the calendar's state.
matrixSet Fired after a matrix was set as the current matrix state.
matrixWillAppend Fired when another matrix is about to be inserted into the current matrix state
matrixAppended Fired after another matrix was inserted into the current matrix state
willFetch Fired before sending a fetch request to a data source.
fetched Fired after receiving data from the data source.
viewWillChange Fired before rendering a new view (month, week, day).
viewChanged Fired after changing view. This will not fire if the view was set to the current one (wasn't changed).

Static functions

Those can be called using the class directly

// Will instanciate all calendars found under a certain wrapper

// Will return an instance of a calendar automatically generated using JSCalendar.find()

// Fires an event to all calendars from a specified instance
JSCalendar.fire(event, instance, extra);

    Returns an object : 
        numberOfDays : number,  // Total number of days in the month
        firstDay : number       // Week day of the 1st of the month
JSCalendar.getDaysInMonth(year, month);

Instance functions

Associated with all JSCalendar instanciated objects. Chainable functions return "this" so you can chain multiple functions on one line.

// Must be called after instanciating [chainable]

// Previous, today, next [chainable]
// Those are called when pressing the direction buttons on the top bar. 
// The calendar will be rendered at the end

// Adding an item to the matrix [chainable]
    The first parameter is an object : 
        at : Date,
        event : JSCalendarEventTemplate { 
            at : Date, 
            displayname : string, 
            duration : number,  
            color : string

// Destroy calendar reference [chainable]

// Switch from current view to another [chainable]
    First parameter is on of the following strings : 

// Refresh and rebuild current view [chainable]

// Merge a new matrix into the current state matrix [chainable]
    A matrix is an object formatted like the following :
    matrix[year][month][day] = [JSCalendarEventTemplate];
    The second parameter is a flag (true|false). If true, 
    the calendar will render after setting the new matrix
calendar.appendMatrix(matrix, rerender);

// Set the current state matrix, and destroy the old one if any [chainable]
calendar.setMatrix(matrix, rerender);

// If a data source is specified, fetch a new matrix to append [chainable]
    This will request to the data source specified with query parameters
    like the following : 
    year = current state year
    month = current state month
    day = current state day
    Once finished, the provided callback will be executed
    The second parameter is a flag (true|false), if set to true, will
    fetch even is a cached version of the matrix exists.
calendar.fetch(callback, force);

More screenshots

No conflicts with overlapping events


Week view
