
A side-scroll game engine, in the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A side-scroll game engine, in the browser. I do not work on this anymore.


Version 1 - Milestones

[✓] ES6 Setup with Babel and babili

[✓] Display images and text in canvas

[✓] Debugging console and event logging

[✓] Game instance

[✓] Basic physics : Vectors (2D), velocity and acceleration

[✓] Position based on camera

[✓] Keyboard control for one graphic element

[✓] Spriteset with multiple states

[✓] Detecting if elements are outside of screen, then ignore draw event

[✓] Collision detection

[✓] Fall blocking using collision logic

[✓] Wrapping stages in Stages, then Worlds

[✓] Camera and Graphic Elements positions fixed to stage size

[✓] Graphic Elements image patterns

[✓] Zoom computing according to browser size

[✓] Music and sound loading, playing and hooks

[✓] Transitions between stages

[✓] Loading stages from JSON files / endpoints

[✓] Background and Fog patterns with composition

[✓] Defining areas with different physics (ice, water, trampolines)

[ ] Saving game state, loading state

[ ] Interactive menus using mouse events

[ ] Overriding collision behaviour depending on orientation

[ ] Collectible elements (coins)

[ ] Breakable elements based on collision, orientation and velocity

[ ] Graphic elements with basic AI

[ ] Mobile on-screen controls

[ ] Documentation

[ ] Host example on private domain

[ ] Version 1