
This code is based entirely on ThinMatrix's Beginners OpenGL 3D Game Tutorials .

Primary LanguageJava

Game Engine written entirely using Java, OpenGL, and GLSL.

This code is based entirely on ThinMatrix's Beginners OpenGL 3D Game Tutorials but also includes the water tutorials and some of my own additions. This tutorial focuses on the new Opengl 3.0 programmable pipeline, with emphasis on shaders!

To view the tutorial video series, visit the following link. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRIWtICgwaX0u7Rf9zkZhLoLuZVfUksDP

Here are some brief setup notes:

I have setup the directory paths so that you only need to import the OpenGL3DGame\trunk\workspace directory. If you have questions on importing the project into Eclipse, you can view this demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n0gg_klV_0

Once your project is imported into eclipse the program will still not run because it requires additional 3rd party libraries called LWJGL and Slick-Utils. The repository already contains the required jar and dll files but you must add them to the Eclipse Project. For details on on how this was all done, you should visit the following link:


To get started, because I have already downloaded all the jar and dll files and placed them into the appropriate directories, you can skip ahead to time point 3:00 minutes and only add the external jar files to your project, along with the "natives folder", as shown. I intentionally chose to keep each tutorial in separate folder in order to make it easier to diff the changes. I also included all the relevent resources (height maps, blend maps, obj's and texture png's) in their respective tutorial folders.


Links to 3rd party software:

LWJGL Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/java-...

Slick-Utils Download: http://slick.ninjacave.com/slick-util...

LWJGL Wiki: http://lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title...

Don't forget to also install Java and Eclipse!

Good luck, have fun coding. This is an awesome tutorial. Feel free to post comments.