
CCXT based algorithmic trading framework designed for backwards compatibility with multiple exchanges

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Directional Scalper Multi Exchange

A hedge scalping strategy based on directional analysis using a quantitative approach

GitHub Pipenv locked Python version License: MIT Code style: black


Directional Scalper API Scraper Dashboard Directional Scalper Multi Menu GUI


  • Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/donewiththedollar/directionalscalper.git
  • Install requirements pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
  • Add API key(s) to config.json in /configs folder
  • Run the bot python3.11 multi_bot.py --config config.json to display the menu
  • Multi bot auto symbol rotator strategy example: python3.11 multi_bot.py --exchange bybit --strategy bybit_mfirsi_trend_rotator --config config.json
  • Old single coin strategy example: python3.11 bot.py --exchange bybit --symbol DOGEUSDT --strategy bybit_auto_hedge_maker_v2 --config config.json

Working Exchanges

Bybit, Binance, Bitget, Huobi

Exchanges that are WIP: MEXC, Phemex

Dashboard setup

  • Run multi_bot python3.11 multi_bot.py or with arguments python3.11 multi_bot.py --exchange bybit --strategy bybit_mfirsi_trend_rotator --config config.json
  • Start a tmux session tmux new -s dash
  • Inside the tmux session, ensure you are in project directory and streamlit run dashboard.py
  • If you are having issues, you may have not ran pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt again as requirements have changed in recent revisions.

Full installation instructions

Steps to set up Directionalscalper v2

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • git clone https://github.com/donewiththedollar/directionalscalper.git

Now you have the bot but you must install Python 3.11

Here is how you can install Python 3.11 from source:

All of these commands one by one copy and pasted into terminal:
 wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.0/Python-3.11.0.tgz tar -xvf Python-3.11.0.tgz

cd Python-3.11.0

  • sudo apt-get update

  • sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev libbz2-dev

  • ./configure --enable-optimizations

  • make

  • sudo make altinstall

  • python3.11 --version

After typing python3.11 —version, it should display that you have python3.11 installed

Now install PIP

  • curl -sS https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3.11

  • pip3.11 -V

This pip3.11 -V should show you have pip3.11 installed, no error.

Starting the bot for the first time making sure it works

Make sure you are in the directory directionalscalper

  • so cd ~/directionalscalper should bring you there if you are not already there.

Run these:

  • pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt

Modify your config_example.json file with your bitget API keys and then run this:

  • python3.11 bot.py --exchange bybit --symbol SUIUSDT --strategy bybit_hedge_mfirsi_maker --config config_bybit_sub1.json

or a different exchange:

  • python3.11 bot.py --exchange bitget --symbol OPUSDT_UMCBL --strategy bitget_hedge_dynamic --config config_example.json

Setting up the bot

  1. Create config.json from config.example.json in /configs directory
  2. Enter exchange_api_key and exchange_api_secret
  3. Check/fill all other options. For telegram/discord see below

Starting the bot menu

python3.11 multi_bot.py --config config_name.json

Starting the bot using arguments

python3.11 multi_bot.py (no params opens menu) python3.11 multi_bot.py --exchange bybit --strategy bybit_mfirsi_trend_rotator --config config_name.json python3.11 multi_bot.py --exchange bybit --strategy bybit_rotator_aggressive --config config_name.json

python3.11 bot.py --exchange bybit --symbol SUIUSDT --strategy bybit_hedge_mfirsi_maker --config config_bybit_sub1.json

python3.11 bot.py --exchange bitget --symbol XRPUSDT_UMCBL --amount 15 --strategy bitget_hedge --config config_main.json

python3.11 bot.py --exchange huobi --strategy huobi_auto_hedge --account_name account_4 --amount 1 --symbol DOGEUSDT --config config.json

  • Example of starting a different strategy. In this example amount is not needed, as it is dynamic based on minimum required by Bitget.

python3.11 bot.py --exchange bitget --symbol XRPUSDT_UMCBL --strategy bitget_hedge_dynamic --config config_main.json

Current strategies


  • binance_auto_hedge


  • bybit_hedge
  • bybit_auto_hedge - Dynamic entry, take profit distance, position leverage per side. Table included.
  • bybit_auto_hedge_maker
  • bybit_hedge_mfirsi_maker - MFI, RSI, ERI, MA for entry. Pure maker, dynamic entry size, dynamic take profit based on 5m spread
  • bybit_hedge_mfirsionly_maker - MFIRSI only as entry. Pure maker, dynamic entry size, dynamic take profit based on 5m spread
  • bybit_longonly
  • bybit_shortonly
  • bybit_longonly_dynamic_leverage
  • bybit_shortonly_dynamic_leverage


  • bitget_hedge
  • bitget_hedge_dynamic
  • bitget_longonly_dynamic
  • bitget_shortonly_dynamic


  • huobi_hedge
  • huobi_auto_hedge


--config', type=str, default='config.json', help='Path to the configuration file')

--exchange', type=str, help='The name of the exchange to use')

--strategy', type=str, help='The name of the strategy to use')

--symbol', type=str, help='The trading symbol to use')

--amount', type=str, help='The size to use')


To run the bot inside docker container use the following command:

docker-compose run directional-scalper python3.11 bot.py --symbol SUIUSDT --strategy bybit_hedge_mfirsi_maker --config config_main.json


If you need to use a proxy to access the Exchange API, you can set the environment variables as shown in the following example:

$ export HTTP_PROXY=""  # these proxies won't work for you, they are here for example
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""

Setting up Telegram alerts

  1. Get token from botfather after creating new bot, send a message to your new bot
  2. Go to https://api.telegram.org/bot<bot_token>/getUpdates
  3. Replacing <bot_token> with your token from the botfather after creating new bot
  4. Look for chat id and copy the chat id into config.json

Developer instructions

  • Install developer requirements from pipenv pipenv install --dev (to keep requirements in a virtual environment)
  • Install pre-commit hooks pre-commit install (if you intend to commit code to the repo)
  • Run pytest pytest -vv (if you have written any tests to make sure the code works as expected)

To do:

  • A lot of top secret cutting edge stuff
  • Binance, Phemex, MEXC base. (MEXC Futs API down until Q4)


Funds acquired through contributions will be judiciously allocated towards the maintenance and enhancement of our API server infrastructure. This financial support is instrumental in ensuring seamless operations, while also facilitating continuous improvements to our broader network infrastructure.

  • BTC: bc1q9hyvvtcsm0k39svz59hjgz4f6dr6c2k4wlrxmc
  • USDT (ERC20): 0xb40b2842d4ce93e31CFC8DC2629E2Bd426e4b87E