
A very basic music player that can be used for streaming

Primary LanguageC#

Music Player (indev)


Quick Setup

  1. Add a playlist following the folder layout from #Folder Layout
  2. Run the program using dotnet run or F5 if you're in vscode (or download it if there's one available)
  3. Click play
  4. Select/Add a playlist
  5. Add a text source to obs
  6. Set the text source to read from a text file from the Output folder
  7. Profit!!!

Folder Layout

- Music
	- Playlist
	- A song that will play.wav
		- A person who makes music_A song that was made by a person who makes music.wav
		- @ A song that won't play.wav
		- @A song that also won't play.wav
		- A song that can't play.mp3

- Output
	- song_artist.txt
	- song_name.txt
	- song_time.txt

	- settings.json (see #Settings)
	- settings_schema.json (Ignore this)


	"$schema": "./settings.schema.json", // Ignore this
	"version": "", // Ignore this too
	"startingVolume": 10, // The starting volume in increments
	"volumeIncrements": 10, // The max volume
	"tickTime": 1.0, // Time between ticks
	"throttleWhenUnfocused": true, // Caps fps when the windown is not active/focused
	"volumeUpKey": "OemPlus",
	"volumeDownKey": "OemMinus",
	"pauseKey": "Space",
	"staticUI": false, // Enable Animations
	"accentColor": { // Accent Color
		"hex": "#FF7504FF"
	"musicPath": "/Music", // The path to a collection of playlists
	"outputPath": "/Output", // The path to where all the text files will be outputed to
	"disabledChar": "@", // The prefix character for anything that is disabled
	"windowTexts": [
		// The text that will be in the window (see #Parameters)
		"{song_artist}: {song_name} from {playlist_name}",
		"{song_time_mm:ss.ff} {song_time_bar_10} {song_duration_mm:ss.ff} {song_state_name}",
		"{audio_volume} {audio_volume_bar} {audio_volume_max}"
	"windowTitle": "Music Player	[{song_time_mm:ss} / {song_duration_mm:ss}]	{song_artist} {song_name} from {playlist_name}", // The text that will be in the window's titlebar
	"outputsNewSong": [
		// Files that will be outputted to after a new song is played
			"path": "/song_name.txt",
			"text": "{song_name}"
			"path": "/song_artist.txt",
			"text": "{song_artist}"
	"outputsEveryTick": [
		// Files that will be outputted at every tick (see "tickTime")
			"path": "/song_time.txt",
						"text": "{song_time_mm:ss} / {song_duration_mm:ss}"


Arguments are not supported yet

Format: {parameter_name}[argument_#1, argument_#2, argument_#3]

Parameter Name Description
song_name The song's name (never could have guessed)
song_artist The person of the song/origin of the song
playlist_name The name of the active playlist
song_duration_mm:ss The length of the song in minutes:seconds
song_duration_mm:ss.ff The length of the song in minutes:seconds.milliseconds
song_timeplayed_mm:ss The playtime of the song in minutes:seconds
song_timeplayed_mm:ss.ff The playtime of the song in minutes:seconds.milliseconds
song_timebar_10 A nice looking bar that is 10 segments long to represent the time in the song [----------]
audio_volume The current volume in increments
audio_volume_max The max volume in increments
audio_volume_percent The volume as a percent rounded to the nearest whole number
audio_volume_bar The volume as a fairly neat looking bar with the amount of segments being the max volume
output_enabled Whether outputing is enabled
input_volume_up The key to raise the volume
input_volume_up The key to lower the volume


  • Better code
    • Better optimisation
  • Better parameters
    • Parameter arguments
    • Better parsing
  • Better Music
    • Support for .mp3 files
    • Music streaming
    • Music from the web?
  • Better Other
    • Menu Scrolling