
Build installers for your Flutter applications with Squirrel

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Squirrel for Flutter apps.

Getting Started


flutter pub add squirrel --dev --git-url https://github.com/RustamG/squirrel-flutter.git


flutter build windows
flutter pub run squirrel:installer_windows


Parameters can be specified either in pubspec.yaml or passed as command-line arguments. Values passed as command-line arguments have higher priority.

Example of specifying the parameters via command-line:

flutter pub run squirrel:installer_windows --authors "My comapny" --appFriendlyName "My App"

List of available parameters:

  • releaseDirectory - where the result files will be placed.
  • packageName (optional) - Name of the directory where your app will be installed. If not provided, the name from pubspec.yaml is used.
  • mainExeName (optional) - Name of application .exe file. Falls back to packageName.
  • appFriendlyName (required) - Name of the app. If not provided, title from pubspec.yaml is used.
  • version (optional) - Version of the package. If not provided, top-level value from pubspec.yaml is used.
  • authors (required) - Authors separated by comma. Required by NuGet. Falls back to top-level authors in pubspec.yaml which is currently deprecated.
  • appDescription (optional) - App description. Falls back to appFriendlyName.
  • appIcon (required) - Icon for the installer
  • loadingGif (optional) - A path to GIF file which will be displayed during initial installation of the app.
  • uninstallIconPngUrl (required) - URL of the icon for the uninstaller in PNG format, 128x128.
  • setupIcon (optional) - Path to a .ico file for the Setup.exe. Falls back to appIcon.
  • releaseUrl (optional) - URL to run SyncReleases.exe
  • buildEnterpriseMsiPackage (optional, default: false) - whether to build .msi. --no-msi flag for squirrel.exe
  • dontBuildDeltas (optional) - --no-delta flag for squirrel.exe
  • certificateFile - TBD
  • overrideSigningParameters - TBD

Example of configuration via pubspec.yaml:

    appIcon: "windows/runner/resources/app_icon.ico"
    appFriendlyName: "blaf"
    appDescription: "blaf"
    authors: "Bob"
    certificateFile: "foo"
    overrideSigningParameters: "bar"
    loadingGif: "baz"
    uninstallIconPngUrl: "blahhgh"
    setupIcon: "bamf"
    releaseDirectory: "blaf"
    buildEnterpriseMsiPackage: false
    dontBuildDeltas: false