
An example for the gate resource

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An example pipeline for the gate resource.

The gates branch of this repo contains the state of all gates used in this pipeline.



This pipeline has the following gates:

  • a-gate: a simple gate
  • b-gate: anoter simple gate
  • auto-gate: an auto-gate with items that automatically close when a combination of items passed through gates a and b

HowTo & Jobs

This example pipeline has the following jobs. To see an example flow, trigger the jobs in the same order as they are described below.

In a real pipeline, job triggers would of course come from some other source, e.g. a completed build step or a changed source repository.

  • push-a generates a random item passing through a-gate
  • push-b generates a random item passing through b-gate
  • push-autogate generates an autoclose item in auto-gate that depends on the last two item that passed through a-gate and b-gate respectively
  • autoclose-autogate updates the autoclose items in auto-gate
  • echo triggers for every item passing through auto-gate and simply prints its contents