Library for reading the sensors off a yoctopuce

temperature, humidity, pressure sensor USB stick

The library publishes the data onto a zmq pub bus and its sent out to various interested parties (storage, live plotting etc)

##STATUS: Works on x86 w/o a problem for all message types and intputs/outputs. Currently some problems on arm:

  • cant build bson message type
  • extremely limited compile time resources: long compilation time and poor logging configuration


  • make code safe and 'deploy' it
  • write some tests and docs
  • lots of error checking!


  • always running on rpi
  • rotating data removal on rpi
  • shipping to server/mongo db
  • script to recover data on rpi in case server is down
  • should always be running on server
  • change device name on rpi


  • make python subscriber
  • build website
  • make auto-config more or config from web page
  • add more modules