A .NET implementation for the Coinbase API
- .NET 4.0
Nuget Package Coinbase
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Coinbase offers two ways to authenticate your application with their API:
This library uses the API key authentication make calls to Coinbase servers.
###Integration Options
This integration option redirects the user's browser to Coinbase's servers to complete the checkout / payment process. Optionally, a CallbackUrl and/or SuccessUrl can be added to the payment that will notify a server on the success or failure of a payment.
This integration method is similar PayPal's Express Checkout (web checkout) or Dwolla's off-site gateway payment method.
When a customer has finished selecting items they wish to purchase, the checkout payment process is completed by redirecting the user's browser to Coinbase's servers where the user is presented with the following checkout page:
Once the customer sends Bitcoins to the Bitcoin Address, the user then clicks on Confirm Payment. Payment confirmation will verify that the funds have been transferred to the Bitcoin Address that is associated with your merchant account.
When the transfer of Bitcoins has been verified, the user is redirected to the SuccessUrl and optionally the CallbackUrl is invoked.
Note: A separate Bitcoin Address is generated for each order and customer. This ensures order totals don't build up at a single Bitcoin Address.
Note: Once a payment page is created, the customer will have about 10 minutes to complete their purchase. After 10 minutes the URL to the payment page will expire.
The following server code registers a payment request with Coinbase and retrieves a checkout redirect URL for the user's browser:
var api = new CoinbaseApi( apiKey: "my_api_key", apiSecret: "my_api_secret" );
var paymenRequest = new ButtonRequest
Name = "Order Name",
Currency = Currency.USD,
Price = 79.99m,
Type = ButtonType.BuyNow,
Custom = "Custom_Order_Id",
Description = "Order Description",
Style = ButtonStyle.CustomLarge,
var buttonResponse = api.RegisterButton( paymenRequest );
if ( buttonResponse.Success )
var redirectUrl = buttonResponse.GetCheckoutUrl();
//Redirect the user to the URL to complete the
//the purchase
//Something went wrong. Check errors and fix any issues.
Debug.WriteLine( string.Join( ",", buttonResponse.Errors ) );
Verifying callback authenticity is non-existent in Coinbase's API at the time of this writing. Therefore, it is necessary to implement some kind of security mechanism to verify the authenticity of callbacks. Using HMAC or any other message authentication should be used to verify that the original payment request is indeed authentic and originated from Coinbase. Usually, choosing a secret that only you and Coinbase know is a good start.
To do this, (and for sake of simplicity), a Guid
is used to record each checkout. The Custom
property in the button request is used to identify the order pending inside a database.
For example, here's a simple order that we will handle our callback on:
var api = new CoinbaseApi( apiKey: "my_api_key" );
var purchaseId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
var paymenRequest = new ButtonRequest
Name = "Best Candy Bar on Earth",
Currency = Currency.USD,
Price = 79.99m,
Type = ButtonType.BuyNow,
Custom = purchaseId, //<< Here is how we identify the order, our purchaseId
Description = "Yummy Candy bar",
Style = ButtonStyle.CustomLarge,
CallbackUrl = "http://domain.com/bitcoin/callback"
SuccessUrl = "http://domain.com/bitcoin/success"
var buttonResponse = api.RegisterButton( paymenRequest );
if ( buttonResponse.Success )
var redirectUrl = buttonResponse.GetCheckoutUrl();
return Redirect
It's important to note that we're setting a CallbackUrl
and a SuccessUrl
. The CallbackUrl
will be invoked asynchronously after the customer has completed their purchase. The SuccessUrl
is invoked synchronously by the customer's browser after the customer has completed their payment transaction.
An MVC controller action that handles the callback asynchronously might look like this:
//This method is invoked by Coinbase's servers.
[Route( "bitcoin/callback" ), HttpPost]
public ActionResult Bitcoin_Execute( [JsonNetBinder] CoinbaseCallback callback )
if( callback.Order.Status == Status.Completed )
var purchaseId = callback.Order.Custom;
//The bitcoin payment has completed, use the purchaseId
//to fulfill the order.
return new HttpStatusCodeResult( HttpStatusCode.OK );
return new HttpStatusCodeResult( HttpStatusCode.BadRequest );
Note: Don't forget the [JsonNetBinder]
attribute on the callback parameter. It's needed to fully parse the callback with Newtonsoft.Json
. Otherwise, some fields in the callback such as CompletedAt
might be null.
An MVC controller action that handles the customer's SuccessUrl
redirect might look like this:
//This action is invoked by the customer's browser
//and after successfully completing their payment
//This handles the redirect back to the merchant's website.
[Route( "bitcoin/success" ), HttpGet]
public ActionResult Bitcoin_GetRequest()
if ( this.Request.QueryString["order[status]"].StartsWith( "complete", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
var purchaseId = this.Request.QueryString["order[custom]"];
//The bitcoin payment has completed, use the purchaseId
//to fulfill the order.
//Show Error.
Created by Brian Chavez.
Note: This application/third-party library is not directly supported by Coinbase Inc. Coinbase Inc. makes no claims about this application/third-party library. This application/third-party library is not endorsed or certified by Coinbase Inc.