
My personal blog

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


My personal dual-language blog.

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About me

My name is Ryan, I'm a software engineer, and over the next 6 months I'm relocating to live in Tokyo. This blog will track my experiences throughout this period and beyond. The aim is for the blog to be entirely dual-language, and I will make every effort to write every post in both English and Japanese

About the blog

I'm writing the blog myself from the ground up. The whole thing is open-source and available on github. Why am I doing this?

  • No existing blog platform does dual-language in exactly the way I want to.
  • I need practice using Javascript. This is my first real project using it.
  • Because it's fun!

The back-end server is written in go. It uses the following open-source modules:

The front-end is all html/javascript, using the following open-source libraries:

  • jQuery - for easy cross-platform scripting.
  • bootstrap - for easy responsive design and beautiful elements.
  • css-spinners.com - for a fancy loading spinner whilst waiting for articles to load.
  • glyphicons.com - for beautiful icons.

And the whole thing is hosted in AWS. Currently on a free t2.micro EC2 instance.