
MFCloud Invoice API wrapper

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

mf_cloud-invoice-ruby Build Status Code Climate

MFクラウド請求書API client library for Ruby


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mf_cloud-invoice'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mf_cloud-invoice


Build client

require 'mf_cloud/invoice'

client = MfCloud::Invoice::Client.new(access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN')

# or

client = MfCloud::Invoice::Client.new do |client|
  client.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

#=> Your Billings

Basic usage


# get information
office = client.office.get #=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Model::Office instance

p office.name # you can access parameters using getter method
#=> 'Sample office'

# update information
params = {
  name: 'section9',
  zip:  '101-1111'

updated_office = client.office.update(params)
p updated_office.name
#=> 'section9'

p updated_office.zip
#=> '101-1111'


# get all billings(all, but using paging)
billings = client.billings.all #=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::BillingCollection instance

p billings.count # MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::BillingCollection can receive methods of Array
#=> 3

p billings.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 1

billings = client.billings.all(page: 2) # you can pass paging parameter
p billings.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 2

# get billing specified by id
billing = client.billings.get(id)
#=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Model::Billing instance

p billing.total_price # you can access parameters using getter method
#=> '10000'

# create new billing

# update billing
client.billings.update(id, params_hash) # NOTE: params_hash does not need id

# delete billing
#=> true

About available parameters, see API doc


# get all partners(all, but using paging)
partners = client.partners.all #=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::PartnerCollection instance

p partners.count # MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::PartnerCollection can receive methods of Array
#=> 3

p partners.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 1

partners = client.partners.all(page: 2) # you can pass paging parameter
p partners.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 2

# get partner specified by id
partner = client.partners.get(id)
#=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Model::Partner instance

p partner.name # you can access parameters using getter method
#=> 'sample name'

# create new partner

# update partner
client.partners.update(id, params_hash) # NOTE: params_hash does not need id

# delete partner
#=> true

About available parameters, see API doc


# get all items(all, but using paging)
items = client.items.all #=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::ItemCollection instance

p items.count # MfCloud::Invoice::Collection::ItemCollection can receive methods of Array
#=> 3

p items.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 1

items = client.items.all(page: 2) # you can pass paging parameter
p items.meta.current_page # meta has parameters of meta data(ex. paging parameter)
#=> 2

# get item specified by id
item = client.items.get(id)
#=> returns MfCloud::Invoice::Model::Item instance

p item.price # you can access parameters using getter method
#=> 100

# create new item

# update item
client.items.update(id, params_hash) # NOTE: params_hash does not need id

# delete item
#=> true

About available parameters, see API doc


  • MfCloud::Invoice::InvalidAccessToken Access token is nil or invalid or expired.

  • MfCloud::Invoice::PaymentRequired The number of object is over than payment plan limit. For example, when using Starter plan, number of partner limit is 3. See plan detail.

  • MfCloud::Invoice::InvalidRequest Parameter is collect but validation is not passed.

  • MfCloud::Invoice::ResourceNotFound Request id is invalid. This raises not only request resouce id, also id in parameters(For example, department_id when updating a billing).

  • MfCloud::Invoice::InvalidParameter Parameter format is invalid or necessaly parameter is missing.

  • MfCloud::Invoice::RateLimitted Up to rate limit. See here

  • MfCloud::Invoice::InternalServerError Unexpected error has happen. Almost case it's success sometime later. Almost case, it will be success some time later. Please try few minits later.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/moneyforward/mf_cloud-invoice.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.