- Note that systemd
files can also be used. - We assume that :
- You want to connect on the WebDAV FS using HTTPS (and not HTTP).
- The WebDAV certificate is signed by a CA and you own the CA certificate.
- The
Common Name
value used in the certificate is correct. - The WebDAV access is secured by a password.
- The procedure below has been tested on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 VM.
Install the needed packages. The question Should unprivileged users be allowed to mount WebDAV resources?
may be asked. Answer no
sudo apt install davfs2
Save the sample file.
sudo mv /etc/davfs2/secrets /etc/davfs2/secrets.save
Create a secrets
file to store credentials.
sudo vim /etc/davfs2/secrets
Paste the following inside. Replace the username (<user>
) and password (<password>
) values. They are the credentials used to access the WebDAV FS.
/mnt/webdav <user> <password>
Set the correct permissions.
sudo chmod 600 /etc/davfs2/secrets
Create the directory that we specified.
sudo mkdir /mnt/webdav
Put the CA cert (which signed the WebDAV certificate) in /etc/davfs2/certs/
. Edit the davfs2 configuration file.
sudo vim /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
Change the trust_ca_cert
line to the following (replace the your_ca.crt
trust_ca_cert /etc/davfs2/certs/your_ca.crt
Create a new systemd service file.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/webdav.service
Paste the following (adapt the content). Replace the WebDAV URL (https://server-name/webdav
) by yours. Replace the user_name
value by YOUR username.
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 5
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mount -t davfs https://server-name/webdav /mnt/webdav -o uid=user_name,gid=user_name
ExecStopPre=/usr/bin/sync /mnt/webdav
ExecStop=/usr/bin/fusermount -u /mnt/webdav/
Reload the systemd files and enable the new service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/webdav.service
Start the systemd service.
sudo systemctl start webdav.service
Print the status. Everything should be OK.
sudo systemctl start webdav.service
Print the /mnt/webdav
directory content. You should see your files.
ll /mnt/webdav/
- If your WebDAV service is accessible through a VPN tunnel, you may want to start this WebDAV systemd service only after the tunnel has been established. Then, for example if you use a Wireguard VPN (and that it is managed by systemd), replace the line
byAfter=network-online.target wg-quick@wg0