
Command line tools to save attachement in mails on pop3 server to local drive

Primary LanguagePerl


Command line tools to save attachement in mails on pop3 server to local drive


External used librairies :

  • Email::MIME
  • Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper
  • Getopt::Long
  • File::Path
  • DateTime::Format::Natural


--pop3=host		Host of the POP3 serveur (require)
--port=port 	Port of the POP3 serveur (default is 110)
--ssl 			If the POP3 serverr require SSL connexion
--user=user		User for the POP3 account (require)
--password=pass	Password for the POP3 account (require)

--directory=dir	Directory where to save the attachements (require)
				You can specify multi directories using this options many times.
	Example :
	Possible values are :
	{fromName}                 Sender name
	{fromEmail}                Sender email
	{subject}                  Subject of the mail
	{filename}                 Filename of the attachement
	{date=strftime expression} For syntax reads : https://metacpan.org/pod/POSIX::strftime::GNU

--filter=filter Perl regex filter for the attachement filename (ignore case)
	Example :
	--filter=\.pdf$                     Filename end with pdf
	--filter=\.(pdf|odt|docx?|txt)$     Filename end with pdf, odf, doc, docx, txt
	--filter=^Invitation\b.*\.jpe?g$    Filename start with "Invitation" and end with .jpeg or .jpg
	Complete documentation here https://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html

--no-delete		Don't delete emails
--no-save		Don't save the attachements files
--quiet 		Don't display anything
--debug 		Active Net::POP3 debug messages
--help			Display this message


perl save-attachement-in-mail.pl --host=pop3.host.net --user=john.smith --password=xxx "--filter=\.pdf|odt|ods|csv|xlsx?$" --directory=attachement/{fromName}/{date=%Y/%m/%d}/