
A CakePHP plugin to send errors/exceptions/logs to Sentry (getsentry.com) https://www.getsentry.com

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A CakePHP plugin to send errors/exceptions/logs to Sentry (getsentry.com) https://www.getsentry.com


  1. Clone the files into app/Plugin/Sentry (remember to also get the PHP Raven submodule - gitsubmodule init then git submodule update)
  2. Load the plugin in app/Config/bootstrap.php by calling CakePlugin::load('Sentry');
  3. Setup the plugin as the Error/Exception handler in app/Config/core.php
	App::uses('SentryErrorHandler', 'Sentry.Lib');

  Configure::write('Error', array(
    'handler' => 'SentryErrorHandler::handleError',
    'level' => E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED,
    'trace' => true

  Configure::write('Exception', array(
    'handler' => 'SentryErrorHandler::handleException',
    'renderer' => 'ExceptionRenderer',
    'log' => true
  1. Place your settings in app/Config/core.php
    Configure::write('Sentry', array(
        'DSN' => array(
            // Your private Sentry DSN
            'PHP' => 'http://123456@sentry.com/1'
        // Configuration for the Sentry user interface - will display a CakePHP logged in user
        'user' => array(
            // Change the model used for the CakePHP user
            'model' => 'CustomUser',
            // Map the fields sent by Sentry to custom fields on the user model
            'fieldMapping' => array(
                'username' => 'custom_username',
                'email' => 'custom_email'
        'ignoredExceptions' => array('NotFoundException'),
        // Treat any Errors captured in Sentry as warnings
        'treatErrorAsWarning' => true