
Generate Gantt Diagrams from GitHub Issues

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github issues Gantt

Gantt Diagram


Requires Node.js

  • Clone the git repository, and install dependencies
$ git clone git://github.com/neyric/gh-issues-gantt.git
$ cd gh-issues-gantt
$ npm install


  • copy config.example.js to config.js, and set the repo GitHub credentials

  • copy public/config.example.js to public/config.js, and edit the options

Custom colors per developer

In public/stylesheets/style.css Add the lines:

.fn-gantt .ganttUser1 { background-color: #DCBFEE; } // The color of the issue
.fn-gantt .ganttUser1 .fn-label { color: #4F1D6B; } // The color of the issue text

to the end somewhere. Change 'User1' to anything so long as it is the same for both. You can also add as many users as you want. Change the '#DCBFEE' to any HTML color. Change the '#4F1D6B' to a darker version of the first color. (Or have light text, and dark issues....)

Next, in public/config.js Find the line:

"unassigned": "ganttRed"

and before it, add the line:

    "MySuperAwesomeGitHubUsername": "ganttUser1",

Take note: Username is case sensitive. Use the same style as you added to the .css file. Remember to add a comma at the end of the line. (Page will not load charts if there is a syntax error)

Start the server

node server.js

Open http://localhost:3001

/!\ The issues are downloaded ONLY the first time you access the page.

In GitHub

  • You can set the duration of each ticket by adding a label "1D" (1 day), "2D" (2 days), ...


  • fix bug: when tickets overlap holidays

  • Add a refresh button
