
FRSRoot: Software for the FRS/Super-FRS experiments

Primary LanguageC

FRS GitHub repository

The FRS framework

FRS folder inside R3BRoot describes the FRS detectors which are going to be employed for the FRS and R3B experiments. The FRS software is based on the FairRoot framework and can be used to perform Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data analysis of the R3B (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams) nuclear physics experiments at the FAIR research center (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research).

For the software-related user support you can post a new topic on our forum.

Release information

Please visit releases


git clone -b dev https://github.com/R3BRootGroup/frs.git
cd frs

Step by step installation

Required software

First, you will need to install FairSoft and FairRoot. For more details:

  1. Install FairSoft

  2. Install FairRoot

Installation of UCESB

Checkout the most recent version of ucesb from the git repository:

git clone http://fy.chalmers.se/~f96hajo/ucesb/ucesb.git

And also checkout the git repository with experiment unpackers:

git clone https://github.com/jose-luis-rs/frsexp.git

Check that

which root

points to your FAIRROOT installation directory!

Compile the empty ucesb unpacker using the same version of ROOT as you used for FAIRROOT.

make empty/empty

After compilation finished, make sure that the file


exists. Set the environment variable UCESB_DIR to the 'unpacker' directory, e.g.

export UCESB_DIR=/u/$USER/path/to/unpacker

Put this in your .bashrc to make it permanent. R3BRoot will look for ucesb at this location.

Compile then your experiment specific unpacker (also use the same ROOT version here).

cd frsexp/name_of_experiment
make -j8

Installation of R3BRoot and FRS (as part of R3BRoot)

git clone -b dev https://github.com/R3BRootGroup/R3BRoot.git
cd R3BRoot
git clone -b dev https://github.com/R3BRootGroup/macros.git
git clone -b dev https://github.com/R3BRootGroup/frs.git
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../R3BRoot/
. config.sh
make -j8

Data Analysis

Data analysis is included inside the frs directory, where you can find the next subdirectories:


This directory contains all the classes for the different data levels of the detectors: mapped, cal, hit and analysis.


This directory contains all the readers needed to analize the data obained from the FRS detectors.


This directory contains all the classes for the mapping, calibration, and hit reconstructions of physical events as well as some classes for the analysis of the FRS experiments (S0 to S4). The identification from S0 to S8 is ongoing!


This contains all the macros needed for the unpacking and analysis of data.