
###Codes cevt.c
Usage: ./cevt.c or ./cevt -c
Synthesize two waveforms of different data file.
-c option enables CFD based timing adjustment

Usage: ./cevt_list.c -l runlist.txt
Do same procedure as cevt.c according to runlist.txt.
Synthesize the waveforms with all combinations.
-c option enables CFD based timing adjustment
-> Output will be wrote in ./cevtout/

Usage: ./vegcat -l runlist.txt
Reconstruct the interaction position by xi square fitting.
-> Output will be wrote in ./vegcatout/
Comment: On Jan26, the mapfile is modified. Now detmap_Q4pos4_CC09_Ecal.txt is used in vegcat.h to apply the appropriate Ecal. But it seems not working well.

###Root macros tr2hist.C
Convert tr file createc by cevet.c to waveform graph, make an output PDF file.

cfdoffsetdist.C Make time histogram of the CFD offset result.