
Scripts for looking for interesting cuts of the CMS data.


In order to run this on the UMD T3 cluster you must do the following:

  • Set up your CMSSW environment
  • Set up the UMD CMS group's analysis library WG_Analysis
  • Install missing python dependencies (locally)

The WG_Analysis repo kindly provides a script that sets up the correct CMSSW environment, so all we need to do is to be sure to pull this repo recusively, run that script, and then install our python dependencies.

$ git clone --recursive if you prefer SSH, or

$ git clone --recursive if you prefer HTTPS

Then run the appropriate setup script from WG_Analysis ( for bash, setup.csh for heathens, etc.)

Following this, use pip to install uncertainties to your local home directory $ pip install --user uncertainties

and be sure to add the appropriate directory to your python path.