
A Vagrant plugin which integrates Mutagen project orchestration with Vagrant.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin forked from vagrant-mutagen and made the following modifications.

  • Is is not to be elevated to administrative privileges
    • In many cases, the plugin executor has permission of SSH user configuration file
  • Organized orchestration related to VM status (Basic ideas is below)
    • Have an entry in the SSH configuration file exist only while the VM is running
    • Running an project of mutagen only while the VM is running

This plugin adds an entry to your ~/.ssh/config file on the host system.

On up, resume and reload commands, it tries to add the information, if it does not already exist in your config file. On halt, destroy, and suspend, those entries will be removed again.


$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutagen-utilizer

Uninstall it with:

$ vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-mutagen-utilizer

Update the plugin with:

$ vagrant plugin update vagrant-mutagen-utilizer


You need to set orchestrate and config.vm.hostname.

config.mutagen_utilizer.orchestrate = true

This hostname will be used for the entry in the ~/.ssh/config file.

Orchestration also requires a mutagen.yml file configured for your project.

Example Project Orchestration Config (mutagen.yml)

As an example starting point you can use the following for a Drupal project:

    mode: "two-way-resolved"
      vcs: false
        - /.idea/
        - /vendor/**/.git/
        - contrib/**/.git/
        - node_modules/
        - /web/sites/**/files/
      mode: "portable"
      mode: "portable"
      defaultFileMode: 0644
      defaultDirectoryMode: 0755
    alpha: "your-vm.hostname:/srv/www/app/"
    beta: "./app/"

Installing development version

If you would like to install vagrant-mutagen-utilizer on the development version perform the following:

git clone https://github.com/ryu-sato/vagrant-mutagen-utilizer
cd vagrant-mutagen-utilizer
git checkout develop
gem build vagrant-mutagen-utilizer.gemspec
vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutagen-utilizer-*.gem


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request