
Spree Preferences support general application configuration and preferences per model instance, use redis for persistance, remove cache and Rails dependency!

Primary LanguageRuby

#SUMMARY This gem is extracted from part of spree, I remove cache, Rails dependency and use Redis for persistance, so you can use it in Rails or Sinatra.etc.


  • add 「** gem spree_preferences, :git => 'git://github.com/ryudoawaru/spree_preferences.git' **」 to your project's Gemfile.
  • no DB migration needed!
  • done!

In model :

$ class Article
$   include Preferences::Preferable
$   preference :p1, :string
$ end

Use :

$ a = Article.find(1)
$ a.preferred_p1 = 'abc'

For detial usage, please referer to spree documentation

Redis connection is default to localhost and default port; to change connection, use:

$ Preferences::Store.instance.redis = Redis.new(:host => "", :port => 6380)