Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation

Unofficel PyTorch implementation of the paper Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation by Assaf Shocher & Yossi Gandelsman.

Results Source. Proposed results of the paper.

Model architecture

Architecture Source

The full architecture consists of three parts. First, the object recognition model which is implemented as a pre-trained VGG 16 network. Secondly, the residual generator network which is partly based on the generator architecture of the SAGAN. And thirdly, the residual discriminator network which is also based on the SAGAN.


To download and extract the places365 dataset from the official website run the following script


Pre-trained VGG 16 model

To download and convert the VGG 16 model pre-trained on the places dataset run the following command


This script downloads the official pre-trained caffe models from the places365 repository. Afterwards, the caffe model gets converted with the help of the caffemodel2pytorch repo created by Vadim Kantorov.


To train or test the GAN simply run the main script python This main script takes multiple arguments.

Argument Default value Info
--train 1 (True) Flag to perform training
--test 1 (True) Flag to perform testing
--batch_size 20 Batch size to be utilized
--lr 1e-04 Learning rate to use
--channel_factor 1 Channel factor adopts the number of channels utilized in the U-Net
--device 'cuda' Device to use (cuda recommended)
--gpus_to_use '0' Indexes of the GPUs to be use
--use_data_parallel 0 (False) Use multiple GPUs
--load_generator_network None Path of the generator network to be loaded (.pt)
--load_discriminator_network None Path of the discriminator network to be loaded (.pt)
--load_pretrained_vgg16 'pre_trained_models/' Path of the pre-trained VGG 16 to be loaded (.pt)
--path_to_places365 'places365_standard' Path to places365 dataset
--epochs 100 Epochs to perform while training

While training logs and models gets save automatically to the saved_data file. Inference plots also gets saved in the same folder.


With limited compute budget I was not able to reproduce the results form the paper. The plot, shown below, was after approximately 24h of training on a single Nvidia Tesla V100. After 24h the whole performance dropped again. However, due to the limited computing power, I was only able to train 48h.
