Django Tutorial01

In this repository, I followed a Django tutorial from the official site. Here is the link:

This README provides the log what I've done with this repository. This repository also the result of my study in that tutorial.

Table of Content

Initial Steps

See this link to see the full explanation:

1. Create a Virtual Environment

Let's start this learn by creating your virtual environment (venv). Please refer to this link to see how to make it:

The result in terminal view showing virtual environment name:

the terminal showing environment name

2. Install the packages in requirement.txt

pip install -r requirement.txt

3. Create a project

django-admin startproject mysite

4. The development server

Change the directory into mysite, then running this command:

python runserver

This will run the server into

If you want to run the server on another port, you can run a command like this:

python runserver 8080

If you want the server listens to all available public IP with port 8000:

python runserver 0:8080

0 is a shortcut of

5. Start the development

Make sure you are in the same directory as, then type this command.

python startapp polls

That'll create a new directory polls.

The Next Step

In this tutorial, I've finished the first Django's tutorial01. Next time I will do the next part at this link: