djangorestframework quickstart

In this repository, I followed a Django full tutorial from the official site. Here is the link:

This README provides the log what I've done with this repository. This repository also the result of my study in that tutorial.

Table of Content

Initial Steps

The initial steps is the same as my quickstart repository.

1. Create and run a Virtual Environment into your terminal

Let's start this learn by creating your virtual environment (venv). Please refer to this link to learn how to make one:

2. Install packages

Install these packages below using this command:

pip install package-name

Required Packages

  • Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10)
  • Django (2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0)
  • DjangoRESTframework

Optional Packages:

  • PyYAML, uritemplate (5.1+, 3.0.0+) - Schema generation support.
  • Markdown (3.0.0+) - Markdown support for the browsable API.
  • Pygments (2.4.0+) - Add syntax highlighting to Markdown processing.
  • django-filter (1.0.1+) - Filtering support.
  • django-guardian (1.1.1+) - Object level permissions support.

3. Create a Django Project

create a project called tutorial, with this command:

django-admin startproject tutorial .

In this repository I'm not using the last dot (.) syntax, so it'll create the project inside tutorial directory. But in the future, you should create the project inside the root repository.

4. Create an App inside the project

Go inside the project directory.

cd tutorial

Then create an app called quickstart.

django-admin startapp quickstart

Then get back to tutorial's directory.

cd ..

5. Migrate your database for the first time

python3 migrate

6. Create an initial user

python3 createsuperuser --email --username admin

Reconfigure the project

If you have clone a djangorestframework project, and want to continue the development. You can do these initial steps instead:

1. Create Virtual Environment

Let's start this learn by creating your virtual environment (venv). Please refer to this link to see how to make it:

2. Install The Packages in requirement.txt

pip install -r requirement.txt

3. Start The Development by Creating a New App

django-admin startapp app-name

4. Register the Packages and the Applications

Register the package you want to use and the application you've created on inside the _main directory. Then find the INSTALLED_APPS variable and insert the package name as the value.

5. Migrate the Database

python3 migrate

6. Create a New Initial User

python3 createsuperuser --email --username admin

Models and Migrations

Create a model. This model is used to create a table in the database. The model I created is in: snippets/

We use makemigrations and migrate. We will run this command to make the migration and migrate it:

python makemigrations snippets # this will create a migration file (snippets/migrations/, the migration file generated from snippets/
python migrate snippets # this will run the migration file

Serializer Class

The documentation says that the Serializer is like Django form class. It creates a structure of data, provides a common data validation, and controls how the serializer should be displayed (such as {'base_template': textarea.html}).

The path for a serializer I create snippets/

Model Serializer

ModelSerializer creates a shortcut to create serializer from a model. It set:

  • An automatically determined set of fields.
  • Simple default implementation for the create() and update() methods.

Regular Djago Views using our Serializer

This will create API interface where we can access it in curl or web browser.

  • I create a snippet views in snippets/
  • wire the views (routing) by creating snippets/
  • wire up the root urlcof (routing) in the tutorial/, to include our snippet app's URLs.

PS: See commit changes to learn more about this repository