
List of vscode extensions used for developing a software based on its technology.

MIT LicenseMIT

VSCode Workspace Extensions Recommendations

This repository contains the collection of my extension lists while coding in Visual Studio Code (aka vscode). The lists are created based on the technology I used for development.

The Repository Structure

The extensions list is grouped by its prgramming language. Inside of those folders contains the technologies/frameworks that are used. Here is the structure of this repository in the tree view:

└── programming-languages
    └── technology/framework
        └── extensions.json

For example, if you want to see djangorestframework extensions recommendation you can go to this path:

└── python
    └── djangorestframework
        └── extensions.json

How to add the list as your workspace recomendation?

You can place extensions.json into your .vscode folder inside your root project directory.

└── .vscode
    └── extensions.json

Then, you can see the recommended extensions list by typing @recommended into the search bar on the extensions panel. See the screenshot below:

Create your own vscode extensions recommendation list (aka create vscode extensions.json file)

To create extensions.json, you need to run this command pallete (ctrl + shift + P):

Configure Recommended Extensions (Workspace Folder)

This will brought you to your new extensions.json file.

Adding recommended extensions

You can add recommended extensions using ctrl + I while placing your cursor inside recommendations-square-brackets ([]). It'll show the list of extensions installed on your local machine. Then, press enter to add the extension to the recommendation list

Or you can add the recommended extensions using extensions manager.

click on Add to Workspace Recommendations context menu to add the extension to the recommendation list.

Adding unrecommended (unwanted recommendation) extensions

You can add unrecommended extensions just like adding the recommended extensions. But this time, you will add the extension showed by pressing ctrl + I inside unwantedRecommendations-square-brackets ([]).

Copyright © 2023 garasijogi

Licensed under the MIT license.