
Youtube Search Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Youtube search engine

System Requirements to run the project :- (you have to run this program in a webserver (like GlassFish Server plugin)

> NetBeans with GlassFish Server plugin 
	> Download link :- https://netbeans.org/downloads/start.html?platform=windows&lang=en&option=all

> Browser enabled with javascript 

HOW TO RUN :- > Start NetBeans > Open the project YoutubeAPI from your downloaded location

> To Start the GlassFish Server Using NetBeans IDE
	> Click the Services tab.
	> Expand the Servers node.
	> Right-click the GlassFish Server instance and select Start.

> Run the project 
> Search any video name in Search-box
> To do Sort you can select option from drop down menu bar
		- By Title(Ascending)
		- By Published Date(Descending)

Note:- > If API-KEY will expire make a new API-KEY and paste into search function of app.js (line 81) file.

Tools and Technology Used:- > HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NetBeans ,GlassFish Server.