
This project allows you to get a complete list of twitter thread replies and be notified new twitter threads replies

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Twitter Scraper

This project is made of 2 scripts

  • twitter-scraper.py to get a complete list of twitter threads replies so you can have a fast and complete view of complex threads even if you are not cited in all the tweet branches
  • tweet.monitor.sh to check and be notified about new twitter threads replies


twitter-scraper.py reads a text file fileed with tweets URL (one per line) in the following format https://twitter.com/<SCREEN_NAME>/status/<ID>

The script checks for replies to the given tweet and writes to stdout, keeping replies indentation.

Option -s gives a short output that can be useful to diff content between different iterations of the script; this way you can check for newer replies and notify.

usage: twitter-scraper.py -f file [-s]
-f  : name of the input file that contains twitter URLs (1 per line) in the following format: https://twitter.com/<SCREEN_NAME>/status/<ID>
-s  : csv output; useful to diff content between different iterations of the script

Twitter Access Tokens

Before start playing with twitter-scraper.py you need your Twitter access tokens (keys/secrets).

Generate here https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens.html

Twitter's API doesn't allow you to get all the replies to a tweet, the script use it to search for replies to a given tweet and replies to any reply as well.


Twitter search API only returns results from last 7 days. This means that search results are limited to last 7 days


The script is tested with python 2 and 3 on Ubuntu (from 18.04 to 20.04)

To start playing with twitter-scraper.py:

  • install required pip packages:
# Python 2.7
sudo pip install python-twitter
sudo pip install pytz
# Python 3
sudo pip3 install python-twitter
sudo pip3 install pytz


Before first run change twitter access tokens. Find and replace following placeholders (mandatory)


Modify script local_timezone var to print tweet dates in your locale (optional)

local_timezone = 'Europe/Rome'

Full list here: https://gist.github.com/heyalexej/8bf688fd67d7199be4a1682b3eec7568


tweet.monitor.sh is a bash script that uses twitter-scraper.py csv output to diff between two iteration of the script and show new replies (if any).

Notice that the script execute the following command.

twitter-scraper.py -f tweet.list -s

Put your tweets in tweet.list file or edit TWEETLIST var

If curl is installed (sudo apt install curl) the tweet content is printed; in this case remember to set APIKEY and APISECRETKEY to the same value of CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET in twitter-scraper.py file

tweet content via lynx



command line

$ ./twitter-scraper.py  -f tweet.list
[INFO] Start scraping from tweet URL https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085483319347867649

| From:	 Jesse V. Burke (@Jesse_V_Burke)
| Date:	 16/01/2019 14:01:07
| URL:	 https://twitter.com/Jesse_V_Burke/status/1085522335095054336
| @benkow_ Benkow I have slides analyzing bulehero probably 6+ months ago. DM me let’s chat about this c2

| From:	 Benkøw moʞuƎq (@benkow_)
| Date:	 16/01/2019 12:17:21
| URL:	 https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085496220183945216
| A lot of web vulns / BF  behind that binary (looks like a worm)

  | From:	 Benkøw moʞuƎq (@benkow_)
  | Date:	 16/01/2019 12:20:55
  | URL:	 https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085497120726097921
  | also Eternalblue
$ ./twitter-scraper.py  -f tweet.list -s
16/01/2019 14:01:07,https://twitter.com/Jesse_V_Burke/status/1085522335095054336,https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085483319347867649
16/01/2019 12:17:21,https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085496220183945216,https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085483319347867649
16/01/2019 12:20:55,https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085497120726097921,https://twitter.com/benkow_/status/1085483319347867649




command line

$ ./tweet.monitor.sh 
Log file found, archiving...
Executing ~/twitter-scraper/twitter-scraper.py...
Checking for new tweets...
Found  new replies

> New reply to tweet https://twitter.com/iGio90/status/1244250696125427715 on 30/03/2020 11:32:10
>> link: https://twitter.com/marketingpmi/status/1244558024548769796
Giovanni fai come vuoi. Di solito non si fa cosi. E se è stato sistemato in meno di 6 ore (tra l'altro di domenica) significa che dietro ci sono persone in gamba e proattive che magari potevi aiutare senza tutto sto casino. Gli errori li facciamo tutti in ICT. Cmq grazie… https://t.co/DCXmmg1GtY" 




Based on the initial work made by @edsu https://gist.github.com/edsu/54e6f7d63df3866a87a15aed17b51eaf