Pinned issues
- 0
Port QT apps to QT 6
#699 opened by thatnerdjosh - 1
- 3
[CMAKE build error] CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following strongly connected component (cycle):
#684 opened by Langerz82 - 0
Menu bug after selecting "Chiang told me I could use the Karavan's services"
#683 opened by rexxmagnus - 0
Implement fragment program fallback for GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 and GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
#682 opened by kaetemi - 0
Improve reliability of naming service
#681 opened by kaetemi - 4
gcc warning about CRefPtr
#679 opened by nimetu - 0
Finish and integrate NeL 3D decal branch
#680 opened by kaetemi - 4
PushTarget in CNetworkConnection has a check that does not do anything
#678 opened by bierdosenhalter - 5
- 2
- 3
PHP 8.2: Dynamic Properties are deprecated
#675 opened by kaetemi - 1
Split exedll bnp for external libraries
#652 opened by kaetemi - 17
- 7
Installation fails with OpenSSL / Network error
#636 opened by vn971 - 6
build issue
#631 opened by coreybruce - 0
- 3
ryzom lzma conflicts with linux lzma
#663 opened by LinuxDonald - 14
Add a little jump animation for show — Sample case for Blender animation export
#658 opened by ulukyn - 0
Maximum execution exceeded
#672 opened by halexys - 1
Deleted shortcuts are restored after client restart
#671 opened by vgaming - 0
Support spatial output in XAudio2 backend
#669 opened by kaetemi - 1
- 0
race condition(?) between teleporting and looting
#668 opened by planetmaker - 1
Restructure graphics repository
#667 opened by kaetemi - 1
Compile warnings on linux with gcc11
#646 opened by planetmaker - 0
GCC 11 client link error when using Hunter
#666 opened by kaetemi - 1
GCC 11 client build warnings
#665 opened by kaetemi - 0
- 2
- 3
Remap R: paths to the project root at NeL level
#662 opened by kaetemi - 1
broken OGG file hangs client (on windows)
#661 opened by mlcdev - 13
Correct NDA part in README
#660 opened by ulukyn - 1
Remove paypal link from README
#659 opened by ulukyn - 2
- 1
- 1
Bad string conversion in sphrase info window title
#638 opened by kaetemi - 0
Cannot patch sound.bnp while music is playing.
#643 opened by kaetemi - 1
Loading screen hang on network issue
#651 opened by kaetemi - 8
- 1
Sunlight missing from stage lightmap in Zora
#645 opened by kaetemi - 0
Add checkbox to enable selecting any equipment on NPC
#641 opened by kaetemi - 0
Generate sheet id bin outside of leveldesign
#640 opened by kaetemi - 0
- 0
Implicitly include character shard in `c` command
#637 opened by kaetemi - 0
Cannot set unique ports on services that specify ports through cmdLine in patch manager
#635 opened by kaetemi - 0
Trees placed in Ring editor do not cast shadows
#634 opened by kaetemi - 0
PACS gets stuck when sliding around convex corners
#633 opened by kaetemi - 0
Disable web scripts when database upgrade is required
#632 opened by kaetemi - 0
Water alpha renders with wrong UV coordinates
#630 opened by kaetemi