Install homebrew:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Run the following command in whichever directory you usually keep your source code:
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ brew bundle
$ make
You can install specific sets of dotfiles like so:
$ make vim
$ make zsh
$ make git
$ make vscode
Make sure zsh
is your shell, because it is the best. Don't argue with me.
If you're on a mac, you can start using ZSH like this:
$ which zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
$ chsh -s $(which zsh)
ASDF is an all-in-one version manager, and it's great. I have a convenience script for installing the latest Node.js, Ruby, Python, and Elixir.
$ bash scripts/
To install a version:
$ asdf install <language> <version>
To set a given version as the default:
$ asdf global <language> <version>