Software to enhance a Geiger Counter kit with a display.
Currently adapted for a TTGO-Display.
Ready for use in PlatformIO (PIO)
- Simple pin input, interrupt driven
- CPM (Counts per Minute) or µS/h (Micro Sieverts per hour)
- Display a graph of previous counts
- Log gauge CPM or µS/h and average / max
- Average- or maximum CPM or µS/h
- 4 update speeds: Very fast (5 sec), Fast (15 sec), Normal (30 sec), Slow (1 min), Very Slow (2 min)
The images are over exposed because of the LCD. However, to give an impression:
As this is no commercial or calibrated product, Krusty is there to remember you each time you start!
There are other, identical looking, screens (avg and max)
Also here, there are other, identical looking, screens (avg and max)