
rebar create template=riak_core appid=myapp

Primary LanguageErlang

Rebar templates for generating riak_core applications


Install rebar. You can do that via homebrew:

brew update
brew install rebar

Drop these templates in ~/.rebar/templates/:

cp riak* ~/.rebar/templates


mkdir myapp
cd myapp
rebar create template=riak_core appid=myapp
git init
git commit -am "omg riak_core"
git push

Integrate this app into your node's rebar.config:

{deps, [
      {riak_core, "1.0.*", {git, "git://github.com/basho/riak_core", "1.0"}},
      {myapp, ".*", {git, "git@github.com:bij/myapp.git", "HEAD"}},

Add it to your reltool.config, then generate a release with rebar generate. Fire up your node, attach, and test out the included public API's ping/0 function, which should return {pong, Partition}:

1> riak_core_node_watcher:services().
2> myapp:ping().

Hey, distributed unicorns!