
A program to quickly compile PC-98 .MML file using PMDDotNet and play it on FMPlayer


A program to quickly compile PC-98 .MML file using PMDDotNet and play it on FMPlayer or FMPMD2000. With necessary programs included you don't need to setup any DOS shenanigans.


  1. Clone this repo or download it here.
  2. Extract the files anywhere you want.

How to use

  1. Place your .mml file inside MML folder

  2. Open command prompt on the folder where the mml.exe is.

  3. Type mml YOUR_MML_FILENAME without the extension.

    Example using MIKE.MML included in the MML folder:

    mml MIKE

Additional Usage

  • You can pass -p2 to the argument to play it with FMPMD2000

    Example using MIKE.MML included in the MML folder:

    mml MIKE -p2

How do I code the MML?

More information about PMD
