
Developed by Richard Huang, Justin Sung, John Shivers, Gustavo Miranda

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PBrain is a clone of Brainscape where users can create decks on topics related to computer science and study them.

Technologies Used

  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL
  • WTForms
  • React
  • Redux
  • Alembic

Current Features

Create and Deletion of Decks

Logged in users are able to create their own deck of flashcards based on a single subject of computer science and fill them with questions and answers. Cards can be made through decks that the users own. Logged in users can create and delete their own decks but not other users.

Create, Update, and Deletion of Cards

Logged in users can create new cards as well as edit and delete existing cards in a deck. All cards are displayed in a single form and users can edit, create, or delete multiple cards on the form. This was accomplished through the development of a custom logic handling in the backend and formatting frontend data to be suitable for the backend logic. All CRUD functionality for cards was handled in the deck PATCH route. `def update_deck(id): deck = Deck.query.get(id) cards_in_table = deck.to_dict_card_check() form = CardForm() form["csrf_token"].data = request.cookies["csrf_token"] data = request.json

if deck.userId == current_user.id:
    for card in data["cards"]:
        if int(card["id"]) == 0:
            card = Card(question=card["question"], answer=card["answer"])
        elif cards_in_table[int(card["id"])]:
            card_from_table = Card.query.get(int(card["id"]))
            card_from_table.question = card["question"]
            card_from_table.answer = card["answer"]
            del cards_in_table[int(card["id"])]

    for key in cards_in_table.keys():
        card = Card.query.get(key)

    return deck.to_dict_with_cards()

return {"errors": ["Unauthorized"]}`

Studying Decks

Logged in users are able to study decks they own as well as other users' decks they find through the search bar. Developed a custom animation effect in order to perform flipping of cards.

Search For Decks

All users can search for decks by name via search bar. The search feature will attempt to match user inputs in the backend and send to the frontend data that match. Frontend will render a results page with at least one matching link or a "no results" page. Unauthenticated users will be prompted to log in if they attempt to study decks. Deletion button will be hidden from users that do not own the deck.