RTextTools: Automatic Text Classification via Supervised Learning Description: RTextTools is a machine learning package for automatic text classification that makes it simple for novice users to get started with machine learning, while allowing experienced users to easily experiment with different settings and algorithm combinations. The package includes nine algorithms for ensemble classification (svm, slda, boosting, bagging, random forests, glmnet, decision trees, neural networks, maximum entropy), comprehensive analytics, and thorough documentation. Version: 1.4.0 Depends: R (≥ 2.15.0), methods, SparseM, randomForest, tree, nnet, tm, e1071, ipred, caTools, maxent, glmnet, tau Published: 2012-09-22 Authors: Timothy P. Jurka, Loren Collingwood, Amber E. Boydstun, Emiliano Grossman, Wouter van Atteveldt Maintainer: Timothy P. Jurka <tpjurka at ucdavis.edu> License: GPL-3 URL: http://www.rtexttools.com/ INSTALLATION ============ RTextTools requires R 2.15+, which can be downloaded at http://www.r-project.org/. To build and install RTextTools, run the following commands while in the root folder: R CMD REMOVE RTextTools R CMD BUILD RTextTools R CMD INSTALL RTextTools_X.X.X.tar.gz (where the X's should be replaced with the version number -- e.g. 1.4.0) SOURCE CODE ============ To modify the R code, go to the RTextTools folder, and modify files within the R directory. After making changes, ensure the package passes R CHECK using the following command: R CMD CHECK RTextTools
RTextTools is a free, open source machine learning package for automatic text classification that makes it simple for both novice and advanced users to get started with supervised learning.