
Qualifications. Portfolio of Computer Science Contributions excluding public GitHub-based contributions and either necissarily or beneficially externally-confidential contributions.

Extended Biography


Studying (deferred)
    Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) in Artificial Intelligence; and
    Bachelor of Science (Advanced) in Experimental and Theoretical Physics
    at the University of Adelaide.

Portfolio of Computer Science Contributions

Excluding public GitHub-based contributions and either necissarily or beneficially externally-confidential contributions.

Project Date Role Details

Subjects of Personal Interest or Knowledge

  • Languages
    • C
    • C++
    • QML
    • Node.js
    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • Markdown (md)
    • CSS
    • Shell Script (sh)
    • Lisp
    • Emacs Lisp (elisp)
  • Qt
    • QML
    • C++
  • Code style
  • Automation
  • CI/CD (Continous Integration/Continous Development)
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Software design principles
  • Portability
  • GUI (simplification and mathematical proportionality)
  • The Chromium Project
  • Emacs