To install necessary Pixel dependencies on initial install, run from project root:


To run Wolfpack

First, start the server (locally or remote)

cd server ; go run server.go

Start the logic node

cd logic ; go run logic.go

or, with optional command line args:

go run logic.go [other-node-listener-addr] [pixel-incoming-addr] [pixel-outgoing-addr]

Start the prey node

cd prey ; go run prey.go

go run prey.go [other-node-listener-addr] [pixel-incoming-addr] [pixel-outgoing-addr]

Finally, start the Pixel node

cd pixel ; go run pixel.go

or, with optional command line args:

go run pixel.go [logic-node-addr] [local-listener-addr]

Note: for a logic / pixel node pair, the last two arguments to the command line should be the same