100 projects completed based on Dr. Angela Yu’s Python bootcamp, and an awesome showcase website built with Docusaurus and FastAPI.
Here you'll find many different projects I've built with Python and other tools/frameworks.
100 Python-focused projects involving GUIs, websites, web apps, data science, machine learning, games, modern frameworks, and more.
I've been building these projects from Dr. Angela Yu's 100 Days of Code Python Bootcamp. It's really fun!
An optimized showcase website built with Docusaurus, providing a React framework with easy-to-use Markdown/MDX documentation and website customizability.
This website is built with Docusaurus and continuously deployed on Netlify which is routed to a subdomain on Google Domains.
An optimized FastAPI framework running on a Uvicorn ASGI server continuously deployed with all project READMEs for website display and with READMEs scraped from their project folders on GitHub. This Docusaurus plugin then grabs the data for each of these days and adds it to the production build.
The pages are collected from my README files within the projects folder in my repository on GitHub for each day, scraped with FastAPI that runs on a Uvicorn ASGI server which is hosted on Heroku.