
Random unsplash url image scraper without API in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


If you want a random unsplash url image scraper without the Unsplash API in Ruby, you can use this.


  1. Gem open-uri
  2. Gem nokogiri

How to use

  1. Change the keyword in the rb file to search wathever you want
  2. Put the rb file in initializer and call him with UnsplashScraperService.new.call

Example for seed in rails

require "faker"
require_relative "../config/initializers/unsplash_scraper_service"

puts "How much Flat(s) you want ?"
loop_n = STDIN.gets.chomp

loop_n.to_i.times do
  flat = Flat.new(
    name: "#{Faker::Address.community} in #{Faker::Address.city}",
    address: Faker::Address.full_address,
    description: Faker::GreekPhilosophers.quote,
    price_per_night: Faker::Number.within(range: 30..120),
    number_of_guests: Faker::Number.within(range: 2..10),
    picture: UnsplashScraperService.new.call