clojure -X:help
clojure -X:cli :input '["data.psv"]' :output '[:email :desc :last-name :asc]'
clojure -X:cli :input '["/Users/ryanzwiefelhofer/Downloads/data.ssv" "/Users/ryanzwiefelhofer/Downloads/data.psv" "/Users/ryanzwiefelhofer/Downloads/data.csv"]' :output '[:email :desc :last-name :asc :first-name :desc]'
bonus option:
:disable-date-format true
clojure -X:rest
POST /records
(Content-Type: text/<csv/psv/ssv>)GET /records/:attribute
- attributes:
{"email" :email, "birthdate" :date-of-birth, "name" :last-name, "color" :color, "firstname" :first-name}
- Optional Query Param:
- attributes:
- CURLs listed at bottom of page
clojure -X:test
Items labeled (Beyond scope) were handled in a way that may be different vs a real production system due to time and scope constraints of this assignment
- Files end with correct suffix of datatype (csv, psv, ssv)
- Data in files is valid/correct (Beyond scope of assignment to perform validation/datafixing/etc)
- This could be expanded upon using clojure.spec, etc
- Note: The system does allow for missing values
- Tests would usually be in separate test package but for brevity of assignment are included in source classes
- Not dealing with excessive amounts of data (beyond scope)
- Not dealing with security risks (beyond scope)
- Failing fast instead of more complex ways of dealing with bad data
- This could be expanded upon using queues to send data that failed validation/etc
- No persistent data store
- REST API sets Content-type to corresponding type when POSTing eg
Content-Type: text/csv
(csv/psv/ssv). Note that psv/ssv are not official types but for brevity of assignment we are including the types here.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1337/records/name'
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1337/records' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/psv' \
--data-raw 'Zwiefelhofer | ryan | ryan.zwie@gmail.com | blue | 11/23/1992
Badahdah | chris | a.badahdah@gmail.com | red | 04/15/1992
Hickey | rich | rich.hickey@cognitect.com | green | 07/27/1967
Zzzwiefelhofer | ryan |ryan.zwie@gmail.com |blue | 11/23/1992
John | doe | jd@jd.com | |
lam | steve | lamste@ls.com | orange |
| phil | | blue | 1/1/1960
| travis | | blue | 1/1/1960