
PJM data miner scripts to make exporting data easier. PJM is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia. Utilities to connect to available public apis and output in various formats for the convenient population of a data warehouse.

Primary LanguagePython

PJM data miner scripts to make exporting data easier

JPM Data Miner Logo

PJM is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia.

The fetch_pjm.py script connects to available public apis and outputs in various formats for the convenient population of a data warehouse.

usage: fetch_pjm.py [-h] [--url URL] [--output OUTPUT] [--format FORMAT] [--list] [--version]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL, -u URL     set url key for data extraction. exp. solar_gen, pnode, etc.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        set filename to output
  --format FORMAT, -f FORMAT
                        set format for output. can by csv, json, xls or stdout.
  --list, -l            output list of all urls
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Install Python3 + Pip + Virtualenv

virtualenv venv -p python3
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are going to modify this script then take advantage of pre-commit hooks

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Run the data collection script, examples

python fetch_pjm.py --help
python fetch_pjm.py --version
python fetch_pjm.py --list
python fetch_pjm.py -u pnode -f csv
python fetch_pjm.py -u pnode -f json
python fetch_pjm.py -u pnode -f xls
python fetch_pjm.py -u pnode -f stdout
python fetch_pjm.py -u pnode -o pnode.csv
python fetch_pjm.py -u ops_sum_prev_period
python fetch_pjm.py -u hrl_load_metered
python fetch_pjm.py -u solar_gen

Available URL keys

url key display name and description
act_sch_interchange Actual/Schedule Summary Report Hourly actual, scheduled, and inadvertent flows by tie line for each hour. Positive Values represent an import into PJM and Negative Values represent and export from PJM
ancillary_services Ancillary Service LMPs This feed contains hourly ancillary services pricing (LMP) data. RSS Notification for this feed contains Market Day.
reserve_market_results Ancillary Service Market Results Hourly Ancillary service market results including MW quantities and prices. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
ancillary_services_fivemin_hrl Ancillary Services Five Minute LMPs This feed contains five minute granular ancillary services pricing (LMP) data. RSS Notification for this feed contains Market Day.
bal_trns_cong_prelim_billing Balancing Transmission Congestion Preliminary Billing Data This feed contain hourly billing rates for Balancing Transmission Congestion Credit allocation.� These values are for information purpose only and are subject to change through the fifth business day of the following month. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
day_inc_dec_utc Daily Cleared INCs, DECs and UTCs Daily cleared virtual transactions in the Day Ahead Energy Market
day_gen_capacity Daily Generation Capacity PJM available generation capacity including total economic and emergency maximum MW offered and total generation committed via the PJM RPM Capacity Market
uplift_by_zone Daily Uplift by Zone This data shows daily uplift credits by zone. Data is posted monthly after the closing of the monthly settlement. Data for a given month is initially computed at that time, and is updated in the following two months. THIS FEED IS RETIRED from August 10th, 2019 onwards as part of FERC Order 844. The uplift credits information can be found in Daily Uplift Credits by Zone feed
uplift_charges_by_zone Daily Uplift Charges by Zone This data shows daily uplift charges by zone. The data is posted monthly after the closing of the monthly settlement. Data for a given month is initially computed at that time, and is reposted the following four months to reflect settlements adjustments. Data will be posted on a monthly basis starting August 10th 2019 as required by FERC Order 844. Because this data became public as a result of Order 844, data for months prior to July 2019 cannot be published.
uplift_credits_by_zone Daily Uplift Credits by Zone This data shows daily uplift credits by zone. The data is posted monthly after the closing of the monthly settlement. Data for a given month is initially computed at that time, and is reposted in the following four months to reflect settlements adjustments. This feed will have substantively the same information as retired Uplift by Zone feed but the Credit Type pivoted into one single column to better correlate with other data required by FERC Order 844. Data will be posted on a monthly basis starting August 10th 2019 as required by FERC Order 844. Because this data became public as a result of Order 844, data for months prior to July 2019 cannot be published.
da_interface_flows_and_limits Day Ahead Interface Flows and Limits This feed contains the hourly Day Ahead Flow MW and Limit MW for each Interface Limit Name
da_hrl_lmps Day-Ahead Hourly LMPs This feed contains hourly Day-Ahead Energy Market locational marginal pricing (LMP) data for all bus locations, including aggregates. RSS Notification for this feed contains Market Day.
da_marginal_value Day-Ahead Marginal Value This feed contains dates and times for binding constraints along with the marginal value, also called the shadow price, for those constraints in the Day-Ahead Energy Market
dasr_results Day-Ahead Scheduling Reserve This feed contains hourly billing data for the Day Ahead Scheduling Reserve Market. These values are for informational purposes only and are subject to change once actual settlement calculations are performed. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
da_tempset Day-Ahead Temperature Sets This feed contains the zonal temperature sets for Day-Ahead Market.
da_transconstraints Day-Ahead Transmission Constraints Start and End times for constraints in the Day-Ahead Energy Market
energy_market_offers Energy Market Generation Offers This data contains detail on offers by generators into the PJM Day-Ahead Energy Market. Generator identification is masked to prevent revealing of confidential information, and the masked codes are changed annually. Data is posted on a four-month delay.
mnt_efor Equivalent Forced Outage Rates - Monthly Equivalent Forced Outage Rates (EFORd) by unit type and size
very_short_load_frcst Five Minute Load Forecast This feed contains the Five-minute load forecast data showing forecast amounts every five minutes for a two hour window by area. This forecast is updated every five minutes. The data is presented for 25 areas to maintain consistency with the seven day load forecasts - PJM�s market clearing engine uses EKPC, MID_ATLANTIC_REGION, AP, COMED, AEP, DOMINION, DUQUESNE, ATSI, DEOK, DAYTON. Missing intervals data for this feed will be made available at the end of the calendar day.
agg_definitions Fixed Weighted Average Aggregate Definitions This feed contains the bus distribution factors used in settlements for aggregates with static definitions effective as of the date indicated in Last Updated date. Includes static definitions for hub, interface, load, generation, EHV and FTR apportionment zone
frcstd_gen_outages Forecasted Generation Outages This data contains the megawatt totals of forecasted generation outages for the next ninety days. An expected megawatt total is listed for each day for the next ninety days and broken down by sub-regions in PJM. These values are forecasts based on available information. It is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon by any party for actual billing values.
ftr_bids_annual FTR Auction Bids - Annual This feed contains data for all bids into the PJM Annual Financial Transmission Rights Auctions. This data is posted on a four month delay.
ftr_bids_long_term FTR Auction Bids - Long-Term Auction This feed contains data for all bids into the PJM Long Term Financial Transmission Rights Auctions. This data is posted on a four month delay.
ftr_bids_mnt FTR Auction Bids - Monthly This feed contains data for all bids into the PJM Monthly Financial Transmission Rights Auctions. This data is posted on a four month delay.
ftr_cong_lmp FTR Credit Calculator Congestion LMPs This feed presents data for the Congestion Locational Marginal Prices used in the FTR credit calculator. Adjusted cLMPs are the historical cLMPs adjusted by PROMOD production cost simulation, which considers certain transmission upgrades. This adjustment is different for annual and long term auctions, and the values will be reflected by pulling data through different time periods
gen_ehv_losses Generation and Extra High Voltage Losses This data contains the hourly PJM generation and extra high voltage (EHV) loss data for each day. This is informational data only
gen_by_fuel Generation by Fuel Type This data shows the fuel mix of generation resources operating under PJM direction for each hour
gen_outages_by_type Generation Outage for Seven Days by Type This data contains the actual and scheduled megawatt generation outages for today and the next six days. In addition to providing total outages, the data show subtotals for each of the following outage types: unplanned (forced), maintenance, and planned. In order to provide a perspective on outages that are actually occurring or are scheduled to occur during the operating days, only outages with a status of active or approved are included.
gen_specific_uplift_credit Generator Specific Uplift Credits This data shows monthly uplift credits by generator. Data is posted monthly with a one month lag. (For example, January data would be posted around March 10th.) Data for a given month is initially computed at that time, and is reposted in the following three months to reflect settlements adjustments. Data will be posted on a monthly basis starting September 10th 2019 as part of FERC Order 844. Because this data became public as a result of Order 844, data for months prior to July 2019 cannot be published.
load_frcstd_hist Historical Load Forecasts This feed provides forecasted load, grouped by the date and time the forecast was created. Forecasts are provided every six hours starting one day prior to the Effective Date
hrl_da_demand_bids Hourly Day-Ahead Demand Bids Aggregated hourly demand bids submitted to the Day-Ahead Energy Market. For each hour, the total MW amount of demand bids are shown summed by the price point of the demand bid. This data is made available on a six month delay
hrl_da_incs_decs Hourly Day-Ahead Increment Offer and Decrement Bid Data This feed contains the virtual bid data for the Day-Ahead Energy Market. The bids are aggregated by pricing point, by bid type, by hour, and by day. This data is posted on four month delay
hrl_dmd_bids Hourly Demand Bid Data This feed lists the hourly data ahead bid data for each market day
hrl_load_estimated Hourly Load: Estimated This feed contains estimated integrated hourly loads that are calculated from meter data. Estimated loads reflect revenue-quality meter information but have not yet been verified by the electric distribution companies and are subject to later adjustment. This information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon by any party for the actual billing values
hrl_load_metered Hourly Load: Metered This feed summarizes the MW-hour net energy for load as consumed by the service territories within the PJM RTO. Data is supplied by the respective electric distribution companies within PJM, and represents the best quality level of metered load within their zones. This data contains company submitted values or PJM generated estimated values substituted where company data is unavailable. The Company Verified flag indicates whether the value has been verified by the electric distribution company. There will be a lag in updated data availability due to wait time for possible corrections. Data adjustments can occur up to 90 days after the actual date. The mapping representation between Control Areas, NERC Regions, Market Regions, Zones and Load Areas from the legacy posting is available here:https://pjm.com/-/media/etools/data-miner-2/hourly-loads-area-mapping.ashx?la=en. This reference document is for informational purposes only and will not be updated.
hrl_load_prelim Hourly Load: Preliminary This feed contains preliminary integrated hourly loads that are calculated daily from raw telemetry data and are approximate for informational purposes only. These loads do not reflect confirmed transaction information with the market participants and the external control areas
inst_dispatch_rates Instantaneous Dispatch Rates This feed contains the PJM instantaneous dispatch rates. The following dispatch rate information includes both the PJM electronic dispatch signals and manual dispatch signals. The electronic rates are updated every 15 seconds. The manual rates are updated with a frequency of 1 to 5 minutes and reflect individual generator dispatch. This data is provided for informational purposes ONLY and should not be relied upon by any party for the actual billing values. Missing interval data will not be backfilled due to the nature of the data. This data will be retained for 15 days only.
inst_load Instantaneous Load This feed contains the load MW for four regions. Loads are calculated from raw telemetry data and are approximate. The displayed values are NOT official PJM Loads.
load_recon_bill_deter_daily Load Reconciliation Billing Determinants - Daily This feed contains the billing determinants that are used by PJM to reconcile past months billings between electric distribution companies and Retail Load Aggregators for certain allocations that are based on real-time load ratio shares. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
load_recon_bill_deter_hrly Load Reconciliation Billing Determinants - Hourly This feed contains the billing determinants that are used by PJM to reconcile past months billings between EDCs and Retail Load Aggregators (Electric Generation Suppliers) for certain allocations that are based on real-time load ratio shares. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
demand_response_uplift_credit Load Response Uplift Credits This data shows monthly uplift credits by Demand Response resources. Data is posted monthly with a one month lag. (For example, January data would be posted around March 10th.) Data for a given month is initially computed at that time, and is reposted in the following four months to reflect settlements adjustments. Data will be posted on a monthly basis starting September 10th 2019 as part of FERC Order 844. Because this data became public as a result of Order 844, data for months prior to July 2019 cannot be published.
m2m_rt_ffe Market to Market Flowgate FFE This feed provides the hourly real time firm flow entittlement for non-monitoring rto flowgates. FFE is posted each morning for the previous day.
mnt_ftr_zonal_lmps Monthly Financial Transmission Rights Zonal LMPs This feed contains the monthly financial transmission rights zonal and residual aggregate locational marginal prices and are based on peak load apportionments. FTR zonal, residual aggregate, and DA Zonal LMPs are subject to change before the fifth PJM business day of the following month
nodal_ref_prices Nodal Reference Prices for Export Credit Screening This feed provides the export nodal reference prices for different interface points. The higher of these reference prices or the IT SCED price is used to calculate the amount of credit that is needed to be set aside for exports. The reference prices change every two months.
nodal_refe_prices_incdec Nodal Reference Prices for Increment Offer & Decrement Bid Screening Reference prices for the different pricing nodes in the Day-Ahead Energy Market. These prices are used when performing credit screening for virtual bids in the Day-Ahead Energy Market
non_sync_reserve Non-Synchronized Reserve This feed contains hourly billing data for the Non-Synchronized Reserve Market. These values are for informational purposes only and are subject to change through the fifth business day of the following month. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
off_cost_ops Off-Cost Operations This feed gives the location, time and reason for off-cost or reactive operations to maintain the voltages needed for system stability
ops_sum_prev_period Operations Summary - Actual Operational Statistics This data shows daily information after each day's actual operations for the PJM footprint and areas within PJM. Data is refreshed on top of the hour from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. Note: Prior to the implementation of Data Miner, PJM's Operations Summary included values for the day and evening peaks and the overnight valley only. Historical data prior to Data Miner will include only these rows in the data. Newer data includes values for all hours of the day.
ops_sum_frcstd_tran_lim Operations Summary - Forecast Transfer Limits This data is prepared each morning and shows the forecasted transfer limits for the projected peak of the day. Data is refreshed on top of the hour from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m.
ops_sum_frcst_peak_area Operations Summary - Projected Area Statistics at Peak This data is prepared each morning and contains information for the projected peak of the day for areas within the PJM footprint. Data is refreshed on top of the hour from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m.
ops_sum_frcst_peak_rto Operations Summary - Projected RTO Statistics at Peak This data is prepared each morning and contains information for the projected peak of the day for the entire PJM footprint. Data is refreshed on top of the hour from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m.
ops_sum_prjctd_tie_flow Operations Summary - Projected Scheduled Tie Flow This data is prepared each morning and shows scheduled tie flows at the projected peak of the day. Data is refreshed on top of the hour from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m.
ops_init_commit Operator Initiated Commitments This feed presents economic max and reason for the Operator Initiated Commitments by zone
reg_zone_prelim_bill PJM Regulation Zone Preliminary Billing Data This feed contains hourly billing data for the PJM Regulation Market. These values are for informational purposes only and are subject to change through the fifth business day of the following month. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
pnode Pricing Nodes This data contains master information on pnodes. A pnode is a single pricing node or subset of pricing nodes where a physical injection or withdrawal is modeled and for which a Locational Marginal Price is calculated and used for financial settlements.
rt_default_mv_override Real-Time Default Marginal Value Override The default marginal value override data contains effective and termination dates for constraints that use a different transmission constraint penalty factor from the default setting, for those constraints in the Real-Time Energy Market. By default all PJM internal M2M constraints coordinated with MISO have a transmission constraint penalty factor of $1000. By default all PJM internal M2M constraints coordinated with NYISO and all PJM internal non-M2M have a transmission constraint penalty factor of $2000. This data is being posted as part of FERC Order 844.
rt_fivemin_hrl_lmps Real-Time Five Minute LMPs This feed contains five minute granular Real-Time Energy Market locational marginal pricing (LMP) data for all bus locations, including aggregates. Load-weighted average transmission zone and residual aggregate prices are estimates only. RSS Notification for this feed contains Market Day.
rt_hrl_lmps Real-Time Hourly LMPs This feed contains hourly Real-Time Energy Market locational marginal pricing (LMP) data for all bus locations, including aggregates. Load-weighted average transmission zone and residual aggregate prices are estimates only. RSS Notification for this feed contains Market Day.
rt_marginal_value Real-Time Marginal Value The marginal value data contains dates and times for binding constraints along with the transmission constraint penalty factor, limit control percentage, and marginal value, also called the shadow price, for those constraints in the Real-Time Energy Market. The shadow price data will be at a five minute granular level from April 1st, 2018 onwards as part of five-minute settlements initiative. The transmission constraint penalty factor and limit control percentage data will be at a five minute granular level from January 29th, 2019 onwards as part of FERC Order 844. Voltage surrogates and closed loop interface type constraints will have a null value in the limit control percentage column. Data prior to April 1st, 2018 will remain hourly.
rt_scheduled_interchange Real-Time Scheduled Interchange This data contains the hourly net tie schedule for each day, as of Last Updated Date. The data uses the following conventions: .Positive values (+) are into PJM .Negative values (-) are out of PJM .Blank values signify no scheduled tie flow
rt_tempset Real-Time Temperature Sets This feed contains the zonal temperature sets used to determine limits on transmission facilities during the operating day.
rt_transn_constraints Real-Time Transmission Constraints Start and End times for constrains in the Real-Time Energy Market. THIS FEED IS RETIRED from April 1st, 2018 onwards as part of five-minute settlements initiative. The constraints information can be found in Real-Time Marginal value feed
bill_deter_mnt_load Reconciliation Billing Determinants - Monthly This feed contains the reconciliation billing determinants that are used by PJM to reconcile past months billings between electric distribution companies and Retail Load Aggregators for certain allocations that are based on real-time load ratio shares. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
prelim_or_rates Reconciliation Billing Determinants Preliminary Operating Reserves Rates Daily billing rates for PJM operating reserves. These values are for informational purposes only and are subject to change through the fifth business day of the following month. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
reg_market_results Regulation Market Data The amount of Regulation that needs to be carried in the hour, adjusted by the effective MW. This data includes mileage ratios and overall performance scores. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
sync_reserve_prelim_bill RTO Synchronized Reserve Preliminary Billing Data Hourly billing data for the Synchronized Reserve Market for each day. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
transfer_limits_and_flows RTO Transfer Limit and Flows Hourly transfers and transfer limits by transfer limit area
rt_and_self_ecomax Scheduled Generation This feed contains the load and reserve megawatts as well as the megawatts of generation resources that self-schedule. The load and reserve megawatts are units called on in real time to meet load and/or reserve requirements. Self-scheduled generation resources can impact PJM�s real-time dispatch operations and locational marginal pricing resulting in uplift charges.
ancillary_services_fivemin_mnt Settlements Verified Five Minute Ancillary LMPs This feed contains the verified five minute Ancillary Service Market prices used in settlements. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
rt_fivemin_mnt_lmps Settlements Verified Five Minute LMPs This feed contains the verified five minute Real-Time LMPs for aggregate and zonal pnodes used in settlements. The load weighted average transmission zone and residual aggregate prices provided in the daily LMPs are estimates only. Transmission zone prices and residual aggregate prices used in PJM accounting are not final until five PJM business days after the end of the month. This is due to the differences between the State Estimator load bus distributions and the final Real-Time load bus distributions required for the actual calculation of the Real-Time Zonal and Residual aggregate LMPs which are posted in the monthly LMP files. While individual pnode LMPs do not change during the verification process, but the transmission zone and residual aggregate prices may. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
ancillary_services_monthly Settlements Verified Hourly Ancillary LMPs This feed contains the verified hourly Ancillary Service Market prices used in settlements. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
rt_da_monthly_lmps Settlements Verified Hourly LMPs This feed contains the verified hourly Real-Time LMPs for aggregate and zonal pnodes used in settlements and final Day-Ahead LMPs. Note that while Data Miner 2 will make available any data that has been calculated by PJM Settlements, there are occasionally delays in the settlements process that may cause a delay in data availability.
load_frcstd_7_day Seven-Day Load Forecast PJM hourly load forecast for the next seven days by area. This data is updated twice per hour and replaces the previous forecast. As such, only a single set of forecast values is available at any given time. Snapshots of historical data for certain points of the day are preserved in the Historical Load Forecast data feed
solar_gen Solar Generation This feed provides the hourly solar generation amounts in PJM. The "Other" area includes external units and other units where the original regional location is not known
sync_reserve_events Synchronized Reserve Events Historical account of the date/time of an event going back to 2002.
transfer_interface_infor Transfer Interface Information This feed contains the actual flow MW and transfer limits information for the Transfer Interfaces.
transmission_limits Transmission Limits This feed contains the current PJM transmission limits. This feed will be populated with data only when there are transmission constraints for that five minute interval.
unverified_five_min_lmps Unverified Five Minute LMPs This feed contains the unverified real-time LMP data for a subset of pnodes which are zonal, aggregate, interface, hub and 500 Kv bus.
utc_bid_screening Up-to-Congestion Bid Screening This feed contains all the reference prices used for virtual credit screening when up-to-congestion bids are being submitted.
wind_gen Wind Generation This feed provides the hourly wind generation amounts in PJM. The "Other" area includes external units and other units where the original regional location is not known

Extra bonus

Create tables from generated CSV

pip install csvkit
csvsql --dialect postgres --snifflimit 100000 bal_trns_cong_prelim_billing-20191217123621.csv

choose from 'firebird', 'mssql', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'sqlite', 'sybase'