
Webpack issues with MGT version 4

Ofer-Gal opened this issue · 3 comments

I assume you mean \node_modules\spfx-fast-serve-helpers\lib\templates\webpack.extend.js

* User webpack settings file. You can add your own settings here.
* Changes from this file will be merged into the base webpack configuration file.
* This file will not be overwritten by the subsequent spfx-fast-serve calls.

 * you can add your project related webpack configuration here, it will be merged using webpack-merge module
 * i.e. plugins: [new webpack.Plugin()]
const webpackConfig = {


 * For even more fine-grained control, you can apply custom webpack settings using below function
 * @param {object} initialWebpackConfig - initial webpack config object
 * @param {object} webpack - webpack object, used by SPFx pipeline
 * @returns webpack config object
const transformConfig = function (initialWebpackConfig, webpack) {
  // transform the initial webpack config here, i.e.
  // initialWebpackConfig.plugins.push(new webpack.Plugin()); etc.

  return initialWebpackConfig;

module.exports = {

thank you

I am guilty of not reading "Webpack extensibility" but even trying to use the example in samples/advanced/fast-serve/webpack.extend.js it did not work.

I don't understand webpack that much.

Just try to put below code in your webpack.extend.js:

* User webpack settings file. You can add your own settings here.
* Changes from this file will be merged into the base webpack configuration file.
* This file will not be overwritten by the subsequent spfx-fast-serve calls.

// you can add your project related webpack configuration here, it will be merged using webpack-merge module
// i.e. plugins: [new webpack.Plugin()]
const webpackConfig = {
  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /\.js$/,
      include: [
      use: {
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
          plugins: [

// for even more fine-grained control, you can apply custom webpack settings using below function
const transformConfig = function (initialWebpackConfig, webpack) {
  // transform the initial webpack config here, i.e.
  // initialWebpackConfig.plugins.push(new webpack.Plugin()); etc.

  return initialWebpackConfig;

module.exports = {

That worked fine.