Improve your SharePoint Framework development flow by speeding up the "serve" command :rocket:
- 7
Unable to run fast-serve in container
#152 opened by bhansonfusion - 3
- 19
- 12
Scss.module webpack error - SPFx 1.19.0
#144 opened by kofrimpong - 6
- 7
Error after upgrading to SPFx 1.20.0
#149 opened by kbeeveer46 - 5
SPFx Fast Serve: version mismatch. We detected the usage of SPFx 1.20, but "spfx-fast-serve-helpers" version is 1.17
#148 opened by Lontkovsky - 2
Errors after install
#146 opened by lhdeveloper - 7
- 3
- 39
Doesn't work with PNPM
#143 opened by AhmadiRamin - 4
- 5
SCSS css-loader module build fail
#142 opened by xavisegura - 2
ERROR in Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getFirstToken') Occurred while linting
#134 opened by rmaclean - 5
svgr webpack issue
#137 opened by nguyenvandanh5 - 14
- 2
1.19 Issue with .SCSS file
#139 opened by kbeeveer46 - 3
- 3
- 12
- 2
Webpack 5 migration and SPFx 1.19 support
#130 opened by s-KaiNet - 7
- 7
- 11
Error Parsing Error: The Keyword 'Import' Is Reserved - Upgrading SPFX v1.10 to v1.18.2
#126 opened by pathaw - 2
Error, unable to use it with spfx 1.19.0
#135 opened by quantrpeter - 12
npx fast-serve config add throws error
#131 opened by SPFxAppDev - 1
eslint flat-config support
#133 opened by nikolaiessel - 9
- 5
Information for futur spfx 1.19
#127 opened by rgcircum - 15
fast-serve no longer serves. It fails shortly after the build is finished, but before serving content.
#128 opened by Zarepheth - 3
Webpack issues with MGT version 4
#129 opened by Ofer-Gal - 3
- 2
Unable to run fast-serve commands
#121 opened by desairaj414 - 4
- 17
SPFx 1.18 failed to serve - error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
#110 opened by HarminderSethi - 1
TsconfigPathsPlugin doesn't work as expected
#118 opened by s-KaiNet - 7
- 20
- 2
Issue when running SPFx-Fast-Serve
#113 opened by sinnitesh - 4
Compatible with SPFx 1.18?
#114 opened by heinrich-ulbricht - 10
- 2
`Form Customizer` not Rendering as expected
#112 opened by 6gal6ler6 - 5
Fast Serve recompile fails when file is referenced in multiple files in a large project
#116 opened by attCurtisHennessy - 5
- 0
- 2
1.16.0 having error when trying to serve
#109 opened by gallantdon - 4
DefinePlugin error with SPFx 1.17.3
#107 opened by pschaeflein - 2
showing into console.log
#106 opened by anishbishnoi127 - 4
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